(Headcanon) (Fluff/Comfort) (Spooky Boys) Succor.

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(Succor: Assistance and support in times of hardship and distress.)


(I decided to make something brighter than most of my stories (Surprising, isn't it?)

(That, and I found a bit of motivation for another page.)


When you're sad:


Believe me when I tell you they will NOT leave you alone.

(In other words, they hate seeing a frown on anyone's face, regardless of who they may be.)


Candy? Candy. They'll offer you your favourite candy in hopes of at least taking your mind off of your negative emotions.

(You should hope it's not expired nor tampered with.)


They'd tell jokes or make silly faces to make you laugh through your sobs or smile.

(Their jokes are spooky month-themed because   Y E S .)


It's most likely Skid would know exactly how to comfort you. He'd struggle to understand what you're going through, but that doesn't mean he'll give up and leave you alone.


Pump would show affection through actions instead of words, as he can easily be put off by his words, resulting in stuttering or silence.


(Teen Spooky Boys) When you're sad:


Hugs? Yes. Cuddles? Yes. Candy? Yes. Words? Possibly. They've prepared for these moments. No worries, Y/N.


Usually, they're better at comfort when they're together. Skid would say uplifting things and possibly jokes, while Pump would try to show his affection and how much he cares through his actions.

(...I'd like to think Pump is caressing your hair (or petting you) while Skid is telling you how strong you are and that this distress won't last forever.)


If they're busy and you need them? No worries! They'll (probably) cancel their plans and instantly go to your home (or whatever location you're in).

(Though Pump is usually devoted to his tasks or activities, he does not like seeing you in a bad state, both mentally and physically. Skid? He'll cancel plans or quit what he's doing without a second thought.)


They know that your mental health matters more than anything else, so just like their young counterparts, they won't leave you alone until you've at least smiled or all of that gloom in your mind is gone.

(They'll give you space or time to think if you need it, but they won't leave the area you're in.)

(They'll stay with you for as long as you'd like, or even overnight if you need them for the day/night.)


(Not sure what to put at the end message here. Anyway, drink some water, eat something, or take your meds if you haven't.)


(So sorry if you think this page is a bit short/half-effort put into it. Motivation, as usual, is still hard to find, but I tried my best here.)

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