✍️ The Weaver Girl (Rewind The Classics 2022 Honorable Mention)

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August 27, 2022

Short Story written for the Forbidden Hearts Contest (hosted by mythandlegend) and the Rewind The Classics 2022 Contest 

Update: this entry won HONORABLE MENTION in the Rewind The Classics 2022 contest! :D

A retelling inspired by a Chinese folktale, 'The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl': What if the immortal weaver girl fell in love with a mortal weaver girl instead?


Word count: 2429


The sky cracked open.

Zhi-Ni smiled as she fastened the golden pouch to her pants. With a leap, she dove through the fissure, mere seconds before it sealed back to its original azure patch. She glided down to the familiar cherry blossom tree and perched on the top branch, dislodging a few petals from the impact. By now, she could get here even with her eyes closed.

Her smile widened when she peeked through the window.

"Ying-Tai!" she called.

The petite girl was working at the weaving loom, brows furrowed in concentration. A red ribbon wrapped around her ponytail while her pink robe rippled against her legs. She looked as beautiful as ever. At the sound of Zhi-Ni's voice, she jolted before breaking into a smile.

"Zhi-Ni!" Ying-Tai rushed over to the window. "You're here early today."

Zhi-Ni grabbed her outstretched hands and climbed into the room.

"I couldn't wait to see you, that's why," Zhi-Ni cooed as she cupped her lover's face in her palms.

Ying-Tai giggled. "I miss you too."

Zhi-Ni gave the soft cheeks a squeeze before leaning forward for a kiss—a kiss as sweet as the longevity peaches in heaven, a kiss as passionate as their yearning for each other. Zhi-Ni visited Ying-Tai like this every day as Ying-Tai weaved and worked, but that was not enough for her. Not when she pined for Ying-Tai every night, not when she craved to be with her every second of the day, not when she dreamed to get out of this stuffy room and explore the world—both on earth and in heaven—with her.

When they parted, Zhi-Ni wrapped her arms around the still-giggling girl and settled on a chair.

"So, what are you making today?" she asked, glancing at the large chunk of knitted wool on the weaving loom.

Ying-Tai adjusted her body as she balanced on Zhi-Ni's lap. "A blanket for my grandmother," she explained, leaning her head on Zhi-Ni's shoulder. "Winter is coming, and her health is not as good as before. I don't want her to catch a cold."

"A blanket? That is one huge blanket then."

"Yes, I'd like to be able to wrap her up like a dumpling." Ying-Tai chuckled. "So, what are you up to? Breaking more laws in heaven?"

Zhi-Ni grinned. She untied the golden pouch from her pants and held it up. "The biggest crime, actually."

"What did you steal this time?" Ying-Tai's voice was exasperated but her eyes betrayed her excitement. Zhi-Ni knew how much this adorable goody-two-shoes secretly loved her rebellious adventures.


"Hm..." Ying-Tai tilted her head. "Jewelry?"

"What?" Zhi-Ni scoffed. "Why would I steal those? Do I look like I wear them?" Then, she leaned back and gave the girl on her lap a once-over. "Actually, you will look good in some of Mother's jewelry. You know what? Remind me to steal some of her necklaces for you next time." She brushed her fingers across Ying-Tai's neckline, drawing a few more giggles from the girl.

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