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Karl walked alone amongst the halls, his hands latched together. His attire stood out against the dark interior of the castle, and he could hear the guards whisper as he walked by. But he couldn't care, Sapnap was a cruel monster. He had heard the stories, about the ghoul royals torturing and killing servants, so he was less than thrilled when he got married to the man himself. Karl had no reason to continue to wear his facial veil, he couldn't care less about the passing of his late wife, but it gave him a sense of power, he could decide when to take it off whenever he wanted.

"Sire, the king, your husband, his ethereal majesty has a message for you". The voice of a well-known servant called out, Karl didn't bother turning around. He just let the man catch up with him "His highness' message reads that he expects you in the palace's garden once you have packed". He said as Karl kept walking, he nodded "I see, tell him I'll be on my way, arrange someone to pack my bags". He ordered the servant, he nodded bowed and walked off.

Karl turned back around, there went his moment of peace. He walked back across the halls, his light purple cape followed behind him as he did. His large gray wings hidden under the cape. His feathers layed thick and were well groomed, which were all the signs of a royal's wings.

He walked through the halls and down the master staircase, meeting with a servant he bowed and said "Your divine majesty, your luggage has been transported to the realm of inventory". He said bowing, Karl looked at him, nodded, and walked past him. He turned right and then threw open large doors.

He walked into the castle's garden. Snow covered the ground and bush, but it wasn't cold. It was never cold here, he looked at Sapnap sitting on a bench by a frozen fountain. He walked past him, standing beside the bench. Sapnap looked at him "I believe it is time we take our leave". Sapnap said standing up, Karl nodded staying dead silent.

Sapnap raised his hand, a portal appeared in the frozen fountain, he motioned for Karl to go in first. He obliged and stepped in. Sapnap followed closing the portal behind him. They found themself in a dusty attic. "I would advise us to assemble a plan". Sapnap said to his husband he nodded again.

The raveonette sat down crossing his legs. Holding out his hands a smokey hologram in front of them "From what we know there are two inhabitants that reside in this building". He said explaining, two puppets appear on the map.

Karl came to sit by him, a purple puppet that was supposed to represent him appeared on the map, "What my advice is we go invisible. Lay low, but once we see an opportunity to strike... we do it well". Karl said squeezing his hand, the purple smoke wafting over the map, and swallowing it all. Sapnap nodded, this was their first real conversation. "Mmmh... I stand by that plan, but I would give slight scares before we do anything too serious. We want to scare them, not kill them". Karl huffed, "What even is the point of this?" He asked annoyed but Sapnap looked at him raising an eyebrow.

"If you might have forgotten, we are ghouls or what humans call demons. Our only task is to haunt the houses human wrongdoings have corrupted and make the inhabitants pay". Sapnap said looking at his husband. He sighed "I understand, I just see no purpose in this". He said arguing back, the raveonette sighed "It doesn't matter if there is a purpose or not. This is the only reason why we exist," Sapnap said raising his wings. Karl wasn't shocked by the threat, he sighed loudly "Well then if this is what royals do... I suppose I must engage". He said complaining, "I understand you do not enjoy my presence nor do I know you do not enjoy these activities, but I ask of you to fulfill the royal duties that are your task. Now, do you agree to my adjustments to your plan?" Karl nodded unimpressed.

They could hear the door open, both of them shared a look before a waft of a mixture of orange and purple smoke surrounded their bodies, a sign that showed they were invisible. Sapnap looked at Karl as he stood up. He started to pace around the attic in boredom. But he quickly sat back down, summoning a scroll of paper and a quill.

'Dream, I am at a point of helplessness where I can't return. For the short passing of time, I have spent here all me and my supposed husband have done is argue. I believe your ideas of him growing up in the land of good, and that being the reason for his behavior. I pray for a day where he cracks and shows his true personality for this man I call my husband is unreasonable and rude towards us and our purpose.

I will write you as this develops, I do hope his temper will subside with time, from the imperial highness, your best friend, Sapnap'. As he put the final period on the letter it disappeared with a soft flame burning to ash. Now Sapnap hoped that Dream would actually read his letters for once, the man had a nasty habit of letting the letters pile up until they filled his study's floor.

Karl sat on the floor, a purple book floating in front of him as he let the pages flip by themselves as he read. Sapnap sighed laying down, listening to the soft commotion downstairs. He furrowed his eyebrows at the noise but he didn't bother. Today was a day to spectate, not attack. Sapnap was shocked when he received a letter from Dream.

'It sorrows me that you and his divine majesty don't get along, but as you mentioned before, he'll break loose at some point. I'll let you decide if it will happen in a good or bad way, and do remember that the land of good does not live up to its name. The Queen was a fowl beast, so keep that in mind and try to stay apologetic and patient with his divine majesty'. Sapnap smiled as he swiped the smokey green hologram away.

{Dream and Sapnap are besties your honor... they've only kissed like twice. Anyways, I hope you'll forgive me for making Karl a bit of a dick.}

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