A boat in a bottle

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Quackity walked with Sapnap and Karl through the halls and laughed, this was as he remembered. Although they never acted like they did in each other's presence but now, those two looked and sounded madly in love. "Well, husband dear I don't have a robe collection worth enough to clothe the entire empire". Karl said laughing Quackity looked at them "Empire?" He asked and Sapnap looked at him "Yes we officially are rulers over the Empire of ghouls and good". He said twisting his hand.

"Does that mean I must now refer to you as your Ethereal Emperor?" Quackity said looking at him "My title has not changed much sadly enough... I am officially his Ethereal highness husband of his divine highness". Sapnap said and Quackity laughed "Am I interrupting something?" He asked laughing but Karl cut him off "Oh no! Not like that anyway! And you know we love your presence Quackity". Karl said, Quackity smiled and then laughed.

"So the land of good has been conquered then?" Quackity asked and Sapnap nodded "More or less... we made a deal with a group of anarchistic tyrants and with their help, the government was overthrown and conquered within a week's time." Sapnap said and Karl laughed and said: "Not our proudest moment to side with war criminals but what had to be done was for a better cause". Quackity nodded, somehow the death of his late husband had been shoved to the back of his head.

Maybe it was the fact that he found something oddly comforting about the two royals, or the fact he has never been welcomed this nicely.

Or it was love

But that was insane, although he was recently deceased Quackity was still a married man, he made that vow of staying with him through all his life and beyond. Although the happiness was short-lived Quackity was bound to Schlatt by marriage. But the more Quackity thought the more he realized he didn't love Schlatt... he loved who he was, who he could be. Every night he'd think about what they would have done if Schlatt had come home in a cognitive state.

And now... maybe finally Quackity stopped living in the past. No more thinking about the rare loving moments they shared, backing Christmas dinner together, or smearing paint on one another while painting the hallway. "Quackity"

His head turned at the sound of his name, he perked up looking at Sapnap "You are a lawyer right? Can you explain to my husband why being imprisoned after the death of your wife is not a sensible thing to happen". Sapnap said, Quackity realized they has been arguing about something again, and that request of Sapnap had at least something to do with it.

"Well... if you're free of any charges or not suspected of anything then... you could be charged with wrongful imprisonment, kidnapping, and assault". Sapnap turned to Karl "It was for my safety Sapnap" he said as the raveonette looked at him "Oh that's bullshit!" He said as Karl gave him a punch.

"Sapnap! Imagine if your father heard this... he would have you publicly crucified!" The brunette said "No he wouldn't, it is an official term within philosophy Karl" Sapnap said as they walked through the hall that connected the castle and the monastery. Quackity was about to make a comment on that, but he was cut off by the sound of glass breaking.

Colorful shards of stained glass layed on the floor, Quackity turned around to be met with three masked figures, one of them had a silver dagger in his hand.

"Quackity- get behind me Quackity-!" Sapnap said pulling him behind him, Karl raised his hand pinning one of them to the wall, they raised their wings showing the sheer size of them as dark purple magic broke him free from Karl's hold. "Impossible!" Karl exclaimed as the one with the dagger charged for him, but Karl swept his hand to the side, light purple smoke pulled the attacker through the brick wall.

But it didn't take long before a giant stone was thrown at them, only passing them by an inch or so. Quackity looked at the damage as Sapnap rolled his eyes.

He needed to get better guards at some point.

The ground beneath them rumbled as Sapnap went hand to hand with their partner...


Weren't there three of them?

Quackity didn't have the time to turn around, he could feel a cold blade slice through his skin and slide in between his ribs. His world went black and then nothing.

Not a nothing where he was trapped in an endless void... more of a nothingness you don't notice as if you aren't cognitive, a nothingness you only experience while asleep. The world around you is nothing, but like anything... nothing doesn't last. At some point Quackity realized... he didn't realize a revelation or a great idea... he just realized.

He realized that he was cognitive and could exist again, and quickly enough the nothingness became something. An endless black void where only one person was joining him.


Quackity asked walking to his husband, his head perked "Quackity? Is that you?" He asked taking the couple of steps that was between them. "How are you here Schlatt?" He asked looking at his husband, a trail of dried blood ran from his mouth, a hurtful sign of what happened. "I'm dead Quackity... and so A̸̻͂͂̕r̸̢̢̗̺̳̊e̴̖̗͐͐̈́ ̵̢̧̺̱̫́y̷͙̭͎̦͚͛͠͝o̴̯͝u̴̯͑̀͠ ".

Quackity's head perked up at the sound of his voice. He screamed, from Schlatt's mouth ran blood that pooled at his feet he smiled widely the blood poured from beneath his teeth, onto his business suit. "C̵̘͑ó̸͙̦̑m̸̭̾e̷̯͔̕ ̶͈͛o̵͚̤͂n̷͉̰͂͗ ̴̦͘͝Q̴̩̈́ụ̴͖̈́̋a̷͉͂̽c̸͙͋͛k̵̗̱͊̀í̸̢̟t̷̢̼̆͌y̵̖͊͝!̶̱̑ ̶̪̓͝Ẉ̷̾̈́ĕ̷̬̚'̷͉̀̇l̶̝̈́̃l̶͈̈́̅ ̶̘̓͝h̶̝̓͜a̷̹̗̒͑v̶̘̮͂͝e̴̙̱̿͘ ̵̘͋l̶͍̹̃͠o̴͖̐ä̵̧́̀ͅd̵̠͓̐s̷̰͔͊̉ ̷͔̊͜o̵͖̚f̵̰̆͝ ̵̳̪͒f̵̢̛̓ụ̸̊̃n̵̬̊!̶̝͋͠   " The raveonette turned around to spot a small white door standing in the black void.

He turned back to his husband and looked at him one final time. This was it... the point of no return, either he ran or stay here with what was left of his husband. Quackity looked him in the eyes one final time. Finding a glimpse of what was in them, before he turned around and ran. As he did, the void started to melt under his feet, his footsteps splashed through the black water as he ran to the white door, hearing his husband behind him.

"Q̴̱̆̉̆̊̆͛̅͝Û̸̮͂A̶̰͛͊̏̿̄̓͝C̸̬͙͉̼̳̲͑̄̇́̃ͅḰ̶̝̭͔̳̖̹͉̐̐Ḭ̵̹͈͚̝̥͖͒̀͌̃Ţ̶̱̻̗̮̪̪̦̀͐̚͠Y̵̛͇͗͐̕̕̚͠!̷̼̥̝̤͖̳̽̓̈̿͜͝"̶̫̋̈́̿̿̿̒̚ "

He heard and felt a hand on his shoulder, but it didn't matter he was through the door. The light blinded him, he had to close his eyes before opening them again once it was gone. The red sun shone a light on his face as he stood up. There was no sign of Karl nor of Sapnap, only a destroyed wall. Quackity looked around the hall and started running. He didn't know where he was going, he just followed his gut, running around the empty monastery.

He then finally found a path of destruction he slowed his running and turned the corner, there he found the crippled bodies of multiple guards amongst them layed Sapnap, his wings ruffled and broken, but what that was not what caught Quackity's eye, it was Karl.

"I could forgive you for breaking into my castle, but not only do you hurt my husband... you hurt our innocent guest! You should be punished with more than death for you have not only broken the law you also broke my trust!" Karl said as he looked at the one he had lifted to the wall. Six arms adorned his body and big white wings were spread beside him from beneath his white cape.

"You are banished... go and never return, for when you do we will take your soul as rightfully ours". Karl said dropping the one who had been holding the dagger, he stumbled and opened a portal jumping into it.

"Karl-?" Quackity asked, not sure what else to do than stand there. "Quackity! Are you alright?" Karl asked turning around kneeling by Sapnap but keeping his eye on Quackity. "I am alright... are you and Sapnap okay?" He asked and Karl sighed "we are fine... sadly enough these assassination attempts as these have been common since our invasion of the land of good". Quackity looked at him and then at Sapnap.

It then clicked...

This was home

{Awww happy ending- I mean not for Schlagg but no one fk cares about him 🙄✋  }

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