a sign of the truth

248 11 76

It was cold when he entered the house, of course it was. Why wouldn't it be? As if he wasn't in a bad mood already now he had to stay in a cold house. He kicked the snow off his boots and took them off, but he quickly retracted his hand, blood covered his finger "Ah! Mierda!" He cursed as he put his finger in his mouth. Of course he had to cut himself on the snow spikes, he used his other hand to take off the boots, putting them neatly on the rack. A weird smell hung in the apartment, a mixture of ash and incense of some sort.

'Strange' he thought as he entered the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with water, all the while he was closely listening to the muffled thuds that came from upstairs. Quackity finished the glass of water and set it down. 'It's finally time to teach that kid a lesson' Quackity thought, the neighbor's kid had this nasty habit of intruding into people's homes for fun. Quackity grabbed his husband's gun from the cupboard and walked upstairs.

"Johnny! Get down from the attic or I swear to God I'll call the cops!" He yelled walking up the stairs, with every step he took, the thudding got louder before it unmistakably were footsteps he was hearing, he could also hear whispers. Quackity stopped, Johnny never did this with friends. He was always alone, the fact he didn't have any friends was his entire modus operandi. "Get down now! I have a gun and I'm not scared to use it!" Quackity yelled, walking to the latch leading to the attic, he pulled it down a layer of dust settled on the floor beneath him. He grabbed the rope hanging from the latch and pulled down the stairs. His heart was beating fast, he could hear them. Scrambling around and whispering.

He set his foot on the metal staircase, the thin step bending slightly. He slowly made his way upstairs, the gun out in front of him. "Johnny this isn't funny anymore come out before I shoot". Quackity said calmly, the attic was silent... too silent. He looked around, as shadows danced along the wall.

"Whoever is here come out! I have a gun and I'm not scared to use it!"

A loud thud came from behind him, Quackity audibly gasped. As he was met with his reflection in a dusty mirror, but something wasn't right, there was a shadow. This shadow didn't come from an object it just was there... looking oddly human "Stop playing tricks! Just come out before I call the cops!" He said turning around, when he turned back he could almost feel the gun slipping from his hand.

In the mirror behind him was the reflection of a person, it was only there for a split second, Quackity took a deep breath in, he was a skeptic, always has been. He had just had a hard time at work, his client is not cooperating this was completely explainable, he was just under a lot of stress. He could hear the door unlock, and flinched at the voice. "Quackity I'm home! What's this mess in the hallway?!" He called out.

Scared or not, Quackity knew that tone of voice. His husband was drunk, and not in a good mood. "Quackity? Come on I don't have the time for your games". The raveonette looked around the attic desperately, shoving a couple of boxes to the side and hiding behind them. He clasped his hands together saying under his breath: "Santa María, Madre de Dios, Ruega por nosotros pecadores, Ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amén," he wasn't particularly religious but he was raised Christian so someone or something might hear him "QUACKITY! I know you're here! Come to me and explain that mess in the hallway! And why isn't the bathroom door closed?!" Quackity closed his eyes as he heard his husband drunkenly stumble around the house, every step he took sounded closer.

Quackity pressed his eyes together, his hand covered his mouth to contain any of the desperate sobs he let out. Slowly he could hear him walk up the stairs, the thud of his metal-tipped boot sending a hollow sound throughout the stairs as he climbed them "Quackity... I don't like this very much, and you know what happens when I don't like things". Quackity could hear a slew of picture frames breaking on the ground as he walked around.

Quackity held his breath as he slowly started to climb the stairs to the attic. The raveonette held the gun close, as he could hear him shuffling and walking around, drawing near. Quackity's breath was stuck in his throat. He could feel a hand grab him by his arm, twisting it. Quackity screamed dropping the gun to the ground.

"There you are! I was actually starting to think you left! Oh my dear, could you explain yourself?" He asked as Quackity started to plead "Please... let me go, please I- I'm sorry I'm sorry. Please... I'm sorry". He said looking at his husband but he looked at him with no emotion, he grabbed Quackity by his hair and threw him to the floor.

"You don't only make a mess of MY house! No, you run from me?! Why Quackity?! When you know you deserve it!" He knocked Quackity's head against the floor, he cried as his nose started bleeding covering blood across his face "I'm sorry! I won't do it again I'm sorry please forgive me!" He said as his head was drawn to the floor, he got a kick to the stomach.

He was expecting more, he always got more but the man backed off screaming: "Ah you fucking bitch!" The man looked at Quackity fire burning in his eyes "What did you do? You witch! You dare hurt me!" But he backed off again, now Quackity could see it. Deep scratch marks ran from his neck to his back. But Schlatt didn't seem to care much. He pulled Quackity's head up, he looked at him. Quackity could feel the blood run down his mouth.

Was this it?

"How dare you hurt me". He said coldly throwing him against the ground a final time. Quackity could hear something within his body let out a dull snap. A white fog clouded his mind and eyes, when the sound of Schlatt's screaming was gone he scrambled up and opened his eyes. He found himself in a white room, the foggy white ground stretched out indefinitely. As he looked around the place he spotted a figure.

They were tall, six arms detached from his body and large wings that were spread widely. A purple fog laid curled around him, "Hello Quackity". The voice said, echoing through the room, the raveonette walked towards him. "Who are you?" He asked looking at the being, they looked back at him "My name is of no importance to you, I am the divine king of ghouls."

He spoke, Quackity nodded not believing what the being in front of him was saying "And what does the divine king of ghouls do in my dreams". He spread his wings slightly, "I will excuse your inability to be eloquent due to your human barbarousness. I am here to make an offer, we protect you against your husband, as long as we can do whatever we want with this house". They spoke, Quackity raised an eyebrow "Who's we?" He asked, the being softened up, linking his two bottom hands together.

"Me and my husband: the other king of ghouls of course". Quackity laughed pinching his nose "I've officially gone mad! You know what? Fine deal! But if that jackass blasts your husband's head off with a rifle don't come crying".

The being nodded and said:" Don't you worry about my husband," those words gave Quackity chills, they sounded so optimistic while saying that. they spread their arms a scroll appearing between them, a quill flying above it being held up by purple smoke. Quackity looked at the paper and grabbed the quill "All you need to do is sign". The voice said, the raveonette shrugged and put his signature on the bottom of the page, as he put it there the page was swallowed in dark blue flames.

"I bit you the best of luck Quackity... you will need it".

{I need to get better at writing eloquently- but this is a long boy! Also I had a literal nightmare about Karl's royal form, yk when you design something with alot of arms it's prone to go in the bad direction in your dreams.}

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