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Karl and Sapnap sat in the attic "I believe our only chance at normal conversation with Quackity is through his dreams... that is if we get along for one second". He said getting frustrated with his husband's behavior. "Oh my apology your ethereal highness! But I can't fathom the fact that you were willing to wage war on MY country for something so simple!" Karl shot back, "What?! I did not say that! Karl you know why we were married, it was all for peace between our lands! The land of Good was and still is one of our biggest threats!" Sapnap said, and Karl looked at him.

"Because of what Sapnap?! You are the reason this whole thing started! The realm of night declared independence because of YOU!" The raveonette was even more confused "Karl- I did no such thing! It was a communal mistake between the land of ghouls and the land of good, this whole thing started because they and specifically your wife, the queen of Good did not want to be held accountable! I paid the price!"

Karl looked at Sapnap "What are you insisting?! That I've been getting the wrong history my entire life?!" Karl said hoping he could knock some sense into Sapnap. "You know what? Let's leave this in the past, we just keep arguing and it is not helping with our new plan". But Karl wasn't dropping it "I am not leaving it in the past Sapnap! I cannot go out and ignore the fact you waged war on MY people!" But Sapnap looked at him.

"Your people?! Your people Karl?! They're not your people! They were happy to provide themselves with a new king the day we got married! Your people are in the land of ghouls and nowhere else. For once in your life come to the realization that you are just a name to the land of Good, a pretty face they wanted at the head of their country". Karl looked at him "you haven't even seen my face". He spat and Sapnap sighed.

"Let's get this over with, the minutes we waste arguing are minutes we could be using". Sapnap said as Karl finally seemed to agree on something. He sat down cross-legged on the floor as Sapnap joined him on the other side of the room. The raveonette closed his eyes as he could feel his magic surrounding his body, sending chills across his arms.

Sapnap opened his eyes again, he found himself in a white subliminal space "Greetings Quackity" he said walking over to him, "It seems that I am the first to arrive". Sapnap said looking around for his husband. "Who the fuck are you?!" Quackity exclaimed falling back on the floor. "You don't recognize me? My name is Sapnap, I am the husband of his divine majesty: Karl". Sapnap said making a short bow to Quackity. "You're the one that-" Quackity said walking to him.

Then Karl appeared next to him, brushing off purple magic that had settled on his shoulders "Hello Quackity" he greeted, the man looked in between them "Holy shit... I'm going insane-" he breathed out. Sapnap turned his head confused "How come so? Do you not believe us even after all we did?" He asked looking at the raveonette. He looked at the floor.

"I- but this can't be real? Why are you even doing this in the first place?" Said Quackity confused as to what was happening, this time it was Karl that spoke: "We made a promise, we protect you in return you let us stay. I have another offer to make". He said looking at him "No! No more offers, this as bad as it already is! I won't hear the end from this!" He said angrily.

"There is no need for that, join us momentarily in our realm, I sense great magical potential within you Quackity," Karl said looking at him, "No. My husband isn't happy with you being here already, I'll be digging my own grave by accepting this". The brunette shot a sassy look at his nails and then back to Quackity.

"Fine, have it your way. But if you were to let me choose between living a lavish royal life or staying here with a mentally incapacitated abusive man where you need to scrape every penny from beneath the floorboards to get by, then I won't need to think twice Quackity". Karl turned around but Quackity stopped him "Wait-... what do you mean royal life?" He asked.

Sapnap looked at him "We expect your magical potential to be that of a high-classed general... maybe even royal, we are asking you to join us in our realm where we can unleash that power". He said looking at Quackity he looked at the floor "And what? I'll stay there forever like some prisoner?" Quackity asked and Sapnap couldn't help but stifle a short chuckle "No! We're ghouls... not savages, you will be able to return at any point you deem fitting," Quackity stopped for a second sunken deep in thoughts.

"You know what? Fine! This can't possibly get any weirder". Quackity said, looking at both of them Sapnap smiled "You won't regret this decision Quackity". He said as a scroll appeared in front of him, he handed Quackity the quill. Quackity sighed and put his signature below the runic lettering. It burned up in dark blue smoke.

"Thank you Quackity... be prepared for when you wake up". Sapnap said turning to his husband who had gone to stand in the background. "Wait... Why what's going to happen then?" Quackity asked and Sapnap smiled "Patience... you will see". He said turning his head back to Quackity. Then they disappeared in the classic mixture of purple and orange smoke.

Quackity shot up opening his eyes, he ran out of bed...

Where the fuck was he?

The halls were dark and gothic and the imminent smell of incense and fire hung in the halls as he ran through them, he ran through the halls scared of who might inhabit this castle, he turned the corner to be met with a very confused Sapnap. "Good morning Quackity..." he said, the raveonette breathed heavily "Where am I?" He asked gaining control of his breathing "You are in our castle... I told you to be prepared." Quackity looked at him, in shock and said "I didn't expect you to just take me!" He said angrily and Sapnap chuckled "My apologies... but you were waking up, I couldn't elaborate any further... now, let's fix you a proper attire, you'd make a fool of yourself amongst the generals dressed like that".

Quackity looked down at the sweatshirt and jeans he was wearing "What's wrong with the way I dress?" He asked and Sapnap looked at him "Well this might be deemed fitting amongst humans but here we prefer... more elegant clothing. So follow me." He said as he walked off, Quackity followed behind him looking around the castle and listening to the guard's whispering.

"Ah! Nikki just in time! Could you dress this man in some fine clothing and show him around the castle while you're at it". Sapnap said as the maid left one of the rooms "Of course your ethereal majesty, also his mighty general: Dream requested your presence". Nikki said motioning for Quackity to follow her, Sapnap nodded and walked off to Dream's study.

"You may follow me Lord Quackity". She said as she started to walk "I think you're confused... I am everything but a royal". He said following with her "Nonsense... besides servants are the inhabitants of this castle at least high ranked generals". She said looking at Quackity as they walked.

"How big is this place even?" He asked looking around, Nikki thought for a second "That I don't know, this castle is split into three parts. The main living place where we find ourselves now, then the servant's quarter and the monastery. You will only be shown the main area, although I can show you around the rest if you request so?" Nikki asked looking at Quackity.

"No thank you... this castle is big enough on its own". Nikki nodded, "the castle is quite big". She said confirming his statement. "We have arrived at the royal dressing hall... each of the nobles have their private collections of garments but these are kept for special occasions like these". She said pushing the door open.

{✨suprise✨ this took WAY too long}

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