Chapter Twelve- Stupid.

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Chapter Twelve 

“We’re done!” He yelled in my face as his hands rose up in the air. I stared at him as his feet carried him towards the door in a fast pace, past all the guests that where once standing around us leaving me speechless. Before I could even process the words he had just said to me the door slammed shut making me cringe just a little due to the sound and then, he was gone.

He had just walked out on me and left me here not even knowing why all this happened. I was confused and I wanted an answer, no, I needed an answer; And fast. 

What hurt the most what that I was completely and utterly in love with him and he just walked away without talking to me about the problem that he obviously thought we had. To think that the guy I would do anything for would just leave out the door and end that special thing that we once had without even thinking twice about it.. Without even giving me a second look as he walked over towards the door, without even saying goodbye. 

I turned my body slowly towards Louis, my face already wet from all the tears that had fallen without even me being aware that I was crying. I stared at him for a second, sadness and pain easily being seen on my face. Lou looked at me as if he realized what I was feeling... Well, then again he was the only one who knew I was in love with Harry... 

“Ash I..” He spoke shaking his head from one side to the other not sure on what to say next. I could tell he wasn’t sure on what to say to me - Everyone around me right now wasn’t sure on what to say right now! They didn’t want to say something to even make this worse then it already was..

“Lou” I cried running over to him. My head fell perfectly in the spot between his neck and shoulders as my tears just soaked up into his thin, brown t-shirt that was on him. He held me closer to him, his hands on my back holding me tight. 

“Come here” He whispered to me. “Let’s get you home” 


The drive back was silent and nothing much happened. My face just looked to the side and out the window whilst my tears fell as I silently cried. I looked at Louis a few times but his concentration was on the road as he drove his black Cardiff to my house. 

“It’s the one on the right” I spoke as the car pulled up in front of my double story home. I looked at the lights as they where all off.. Great, mum was still gone I thought as I let out a sigh of sadness wiping away another tear using my left hand. 

“Are you going to be okay?” Louis asked me sounding concerned. 

“Yeah” I sighed. “Look it’s like and it’s almost 3am why don’t you stay here the night. Mums gone and theres a spare room upstairs” 

“I can’t possib-” 

“You have done so much for me tonight and I appreciate it and if theres anything I can do for you just let me know” 

“Are you crazy?” He laughed. “You’re my best mans girlfriend and now you’re my friend. I care about you both now, You never repay someone for just caring about you” 

“Well then driving back home to where you live at 3am isn’t the best idea too.” 

“Thankyou” He smiled, turning off the engine to his car, parking it out the front. 

I watched Louis as he stepped out of the car, the wind blowing in his hair harshly. I laughed at the sight of his jacket almost flying off of him and into the wind. 

I wrapped my hands around my self trying to stay warm. This body con dress I had on from tonight wasn’t the best idea when being in the wind.. It was more of a sexy outfit more then a an outfit you wore outside.. Harry was the one who chose it though.. 

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