Chapter 8: Fight

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Seriously? This was nothing like how it was before. It was one hamon overdrive after another. At one point, you had used some of your hair as needles to attack joseph because you lost your dagger for a moment.

And since the two groups who cane to help joseph haven't see them for a while, the carefully walked over to see what was going on. Kars was standing a bit further away. Joseph successfully landed a punch at your side, and sent you backwards.

The both of you were bleeding here and there, and all brused up. Joseph was losing a bit more blood them you were, since you had a weapon. But he was holding up pretty well. You glanced to the side for a moment. It didn't seem like joseph's allies weren't aware of kars standing at the bottom, watching the fight silently.

"Come on now lady." Joseph said as you paused, stopping for a moment. "Why are you fighting me? Isn't kars supposed to be your enemy?"

".... No." Even if joseph seems like he had his guard down and wans't going to attack, you knew better then to leave yourself open.

"Don't try to buy time." You said as you charged your weapon with hamon again. "It's no use."

Once again, you ran towards him to attack, but what you didn;t expect was for him to turn and start running.

"What?" You questioned yourself as you ran after him. "What is this idiot doing?" He was stronger then you physically, but you weren't expecting him to run away. Was he trying to wear you down? Some of his punches landed, and probably broke a few of your ribs. Your hamon was unstable, and you were unable to run after him full speed like before.

Watching him run, you sighed and began taking in deep breaths to try uses of hamon to heal some of the spots you were injured in. But a moment later, something came flying at you and sent you flying.

"See you later lady!" Joseph yelled as he watch him fly upwards in a warplane. There was another one. If you had ran after him, then he wouldn't....

You clicked your tongue as you watched kars fly after him. You couldn't do anything but watch as the two flew had a small battle mid air. Of course, kars won, and the warplane broke down.

Joseph was heading towards the volcano, but he didn't even make it half way there. Grunting in pain, you began heading over to where you saw joseph fall to. It seems that it wasn't only bones that were broken.

The moment you saw joseph, you knew he was up to something. he had something in his hand, it seems that his original plan was to kill kard by having him fall into the volcano, but that failed. It also seems like he's lost an arm. Just as you approached him, a ticking sound reached your ears. Moving back Immediately, it was a moment later the ground exploded.

"You really tried." You said glancing around. It seems like there was only one. You knew kars was behind you when you felt the change in the wind, but you ignored it, watching joseph stand up slowly.

"Haha so i ended back here again..." He said as you let out a cough. It doesn't seem like you could handle 3 more hours of fighting.

"Disappear..." You muttered. It seems that the hits landed on you had more effect then you thought.

"Looks like you weren't expecting this were you?" You heard joseph say as you glanced up at him.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's the end."

A/n- Short chap cus how am i supposed to write this-

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