Hogwarts express

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Tugging down on the arms of my robes, I sat patiently waiting for my friends. Finally time for school once again. I bet I know what you're thinking, a 15 year old that likes school? Yeah sure. But hey I have my reasons.

'Vicky?!' Voices echoed the corridors of the train. I jumped from my seat and stuck my head out of the class doors of my carts. My two ginger hotties spotted me and came running, pushing some slytherin out of the way. One falling onto the floor. Not just any random one. A white haired boy in my year, Draco. My beloved twin. Watching this scene made me burst out in laughter. The twins did the same. Ron and Harry behind them, they came rushing towards me

'MY FATHER WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS!' He screamed towards us while his crownies picked him up and brushed him off.
'Our father' I said back taking the one of the two over grown children in my arms.
His laugh vibrated my neck.
'Hey v' he said, pulling back.
'Hey Georgey boo'

Fred, the second weasley twin, stepped forward to hug me. Picking me up, I buried my head into his neck. I've missed these hugs. The most amount of effecting I had got all summer was from this muggle, Sarah.

Despite the requests- well demands- from my father to quit, I work a summer job at a child minders. Most days, 8-7. It was my only escape from my father. I'm fairly sure my mother had something to do with his willingness to let me go. Their arguments contained phrases such as "we've already abandoned her so why would we care about this?" And "darling, let her be, what's the worse that can happen? She leaves?". Now don't get me wrong, my mother is no saint, however she loves me, and in her own sick and twisted way she's trying to protect me from him, from them.

With the money I had saved I managed to but myself some muggle gadgets. For example the phone I bought the other week that helps me keep in touch with my best female friend Hermione Granger. She's a muggle born wizard, I happen to go to her dentist parents.

'Hey Freddy' I said, kissing his soft cheek.

'Hey T' he replied slightly picking me off of the ground.

'No fair where's mine?' Pointing to his cheek, George stood. I walked to the 16 year old and stood on my tiptoes, planting a kiss on his cheek. The five of us sat in the carriage I was previously placed in, waiting for mimi to arrive.

Crushed into the corner, I sat beside Harry, a boy just a few months younger than me, he had pale skin, messy black hair and ugly round glasses that sat on the bridge of his nose. Harry had a troubled past. At a young age he became the first person to 'defeat Voldemort', the dark lord. Getting out with only a lightning shaped scar, he became instantly famous in the wizarding world. There wasn't a wizard or witch in the world that didn't know about him. Despite all this he is my oldest friend, well almost. I met him in my very first year. All the first years were being guided towards the great hall. I was stood with my brother, believe it or not we were once close, and he said something to Harry. That's when it changed. After Draco's outburst, I apologized to Harry. We became friends and I was placed in Gryffindor.

Anyway I put my head on his shoulder, relaxing as the train got ready to start.
'Tori?' Ron said. I opened my eyes and nodded my head, suggesting I was listening. 'Why are you already in your robes?' I looked down at everyone else, all in their own casual clothes.
'Just so excited to be back with you RoRo' I jumped from beside Harry and ran to the other side of the cart, sitting on Ron's legs placing my arms around his neck, hugging him tight.

'Eh hem' a cough at the door made all our faces turn.
'MIMI!' I screamed jumping to hug Hermoine. She laughed and placed her thin arms around me. Her thick brown curly hair smelt of the familiar scent of strawberry and cream.
Hermione want past me and sat in my old spot next to Harry. The others started talking among themselves. I looked to find there was no where to sit, until Fred pulled me into his knee and put his arms around my waist. Hissing in pain, he heard and loosened his grip.

'What wrong T?' His voiced echoed my thoughts.

'I'll tell you later'

With that the clock stroked 11 and the train started. Hogwarts here we come.

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