First morning back.

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I walked into the great hall with the twins, the trio not far behind me. The first thing I saw was Draco say with a bunch of slytherins. As I passed, Pansy Parkinson, a pug looking girl, who just happened to be Draco slytherin girlfriend, stood up and opened her trap.
'Hey, Victoria! Look! The Dementors are coming, Tori! Wooooo'
Fred turned to put her back in her place, but I grabbed in and pulled him before he got himself in bother. The trio followed, causing Draco to do a ridiculous impression of a swooning fit.
'Ignore him' mimi said.

They dropped into the chairs opposite us. Hermiones eyes completely avoided mine. I knew spilling everything to her wasn't the best idea.

'What's up Harry?' George said from next to me. We just glared at the ginger idiot. What's up Harry? Really?

'I remember this one time dad visited azkaban for the ministry, couldn't sleep for a week, right Fred?'
'Right George. Scared shitless he was.'

'Well he didn't pass out though did he?' Harry muttered.

'Did someone tell you about the new DATDA teacher?' Ron said, swiftly changing the subject.
'Yeah he was in the same carriage as us, right?'

'Yeah. Let's just say, snape did not look happy.' They giggled. Professor Snape, the schools potions master, was a tall greasy haired man that was Slytherins head of house.  It was also no secret he had been after the Defense Against The Dark Arts post for years. 

As kids filled the hall, Hagrid, the grounds keeper who was half giant came down my side of the chairs. The boys started whistling and cheering for him and he stopped near us. That's weird? Why is Hagrid in the hall? Strange. 

'Congratulations Hagrid!' Harry said to our friend. My brows connected in confusion. 

 'Hagrid's the new Care of Magical Creatures teacher.' Fred informed me. 

'All down ter you four' He blushed. 'Can' believe it... great man, Dumbledore ... came straight down to me hut after Proffessor Kettleburn said he'd had enough... it's what I always wanted...' Overcome with emotion, he buried his face in his napkin.

'It couldn't have happened to someone better, you deserve it' I said to this lovable man. 

'Dint see yer yesterday Tori, every thin ok?' I just nodded. Dumbledore stood up from the teachers table signalling the start of a speech. Hagrid got the hint and hurried to his chair with a grin hidden under his tangled black beard. 

Dumbledore was a great man with instant authority. Though being very old, he was always energetic. He had a silver beard that would measure to about 7 feet and half moon glasses that rested on his long crooked nose. He is the greatest wizard of all time that you couldn't help but to trust. 

'Good morning!' His voice echoed the room, causing instant silence. 'Welcome back to your first day at Hogwarts. As I am sure you are all aware, there are a few issues I need to address before the start of this astonishing breakfast. Our school does not only home students and teachers, but for now, will be the home of some of the Dementors of Azkaban, who are here on Ministry of Magic business. They will be stationed a every entrance if the school grounds and while they are here, I must insist nobody is to leave school without permission. Dementors are not to be fooled by tricks or desguises. This includes invisibility cloaks.' My eyes drifted to the trio, their eyes at me. 'They are not here to harm you but to protect. Please give them no reason to do so. Prefects and our new head boys and girls, it is your responsibility to make sure that no student rubs foul of the Dementors.' Percy sat up straight, pulling his jumper down in an attempt to look smart. I giggled at the sight. 'On a much lighter note, enjoy.' With his world, a magnificent feast appeared on the table. 

'OI POTTER, YOU HEAR THAT? BEST NOT FAINT ON US NOW!' Draco shouted, earning a bunch of giggles with a fair few death stares and most likely a detention slip. 

The boys and Mimi dug in to their pancakes, I however, took an apple. Much nicer in my opinion.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2016 ⏰

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