Dementors on a train.

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I woke to find Fred and George had left the carriage, probably to meet up with their friend Lee, and we're replaced by an odd looking stranger? Damn how long was I out? The stranger, who was sat at the window, was wearing an extremely shabby set of wizards robes which had been darned in several places. He looked ill and exhausted. Though he seemed quite young, his light-brown hair was flecked with grey.

'Professor R.J Lupin,' Hermione whispered. I turned and looked at her confused. 'Defense Against the Dark Arts. He asked to join us just after the twins left, no other carts left apparently.' I nodded and listened as they finished their conversation about Sirius Black, the only person to ever successfully escape Azkaban, most wizards nightmare. From what I have gathered, he was Harry's God father, James best friend. Wow what a scum. How could someone betray their BEST FRIEND? Hah well I guess I know how it feels to be the best friend. I mean I didn't quite die, but the pain was still there.

My head lent on the window. You know that feeling you get when you know something bad is going to happen but you have no idea what? This was one of those moments. The train traveled into a dark and gloomy cloud.

I heard three sets of footsteps run down the hallway. The twins and Lee. Three.

Right on queue their heads popped into the carriage.

'Are you all okay?!'

'Huh?' Ron asked confused. I looked out of the window to find the train had come to a complete stop in the middle of nowhere. Darkness took over the room.
'What the-'
'What's going on?'
Confused voices echoed the train, all wondering why we stopped and what was going on.
'What's happening?' A stern unidentified voice said, while the twins and Lee came to sit down.

'RON, TORI, FRED, GEORGE?' An alarmed voice shouted. Ginny. Being the only female, other than Molly, in the weasley family, me and ginny had always been close. She was a year younger than us, petite body, long ginger hair, small features. Prettier than most girls I knew.

'STAY THERE GINNY. WE'LL GET YOU WHEN WE CAN SEE' George screamed from under me. Being one of the shortest, yet somehow the fattest, I ended up being on someone knee, once again.
There was a crackling noise and mutters as the room became alight, brightest at the tip of Lupins wand.

'Ginny!' Ron screamed, trying to be heard over the voices of the train. Standing up, only to be pushed back down by Lupin.

'No stay here, let me go and check what's happening.' He  said reaching towards the door  it opened before Lupin could get to it.

Standing in the door way, illuminated by Lupins curse was a black, hooded figure. Extended from it body was a bony, ghost like hand. I've seen some pretty shady, scary things but this is terrifying.

It almost lept towards Harry who was sat opposite me and George. It's mouths thing lowered towards Harry, as if giving a kiss. But this definitely wasn't a kiss. The air around his face went dark grey and blurry. (A/N My names blurryface and I care what you think) Harry's face was disorientated. It was terrifying. The way it sucked the life out of him was the most horrifying thing I've ever seen. Before I could evaluate my actions, an ear piercing scream left my lungs. Lupin stood straight up, his wand aiming toward the beast.

'Look, none of us is hiding him, you can just leave now!'    He screamed towards the cloaked monster. Despite his tries it didn't move. I stared fixated on the happenings. George wrapping one arm around me, grabbing his wand with the other. Lupin whispered a curse and the whole carriage lit up with silver. The last thing I remember was mine and Hermiones screams intertwining.

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