chpt 16- My Mentor is an idiot

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The power was now in his grasp thanks to the Skeleton Key!

He could finally open the mysterious Skeleton chest that he and his army found beneath his kingdom, and it was all his!!!

Dbk could feel its energy calling to him in many ghostly whispers




And he did

The demon opened the Skeleton chest, allowing the power within to be unleashed into the world, beckoning any host to fuse with it

Redson and Pif felt uncomfortable as the room was sorrounded by this mystic power

Something is terribly terribly wrong!

Redson kicked his feet frantic as one ghost attached onto his foot, screaming over and over again the words



A menacing laughed echoed across the room making both demons glanced to the source, it was DBk

The bull demon was absorbing the power with his armor!

"Father?" He asked with a worried tone as the once green eyes of his father turned blue, he tried to reach out towards him only to be stopped by his mother

He was about to ask why she stopped him until they locked eyes with the Robot bulls around the room

Bodies after bodies of Robotic bulls stood up with twisted limbs, the sound of metal made the fire prince gasped at his creations

What was happening!?!?

"Redson, i need you to make a call" Pif eyes never left her husband as she kept standing protectively infront of her son

Violent winds of dust and energy kept bursting around the room, making it hard for the prince to send a direct message for aid, pressing every contact from his lists all at once for backup by accident

---Y/n's Pov--

"We have been walking around the City for the PAST FEW HOURS! AND WHY ARE THERE BOTS EVERYWHERE!"

I slammed a metal pipe down a robots head, crushing the tin can against a wall, the machine growled and tried to reach out to claw back

"Maybe they forgot their bedtime" Wukong smirked while crushing the skull with one punch

The Robot Bull body went limp and collapse onto the alleyway

"Wish that was the case, you think Dbk is at it again?" I eyed the robot one more time before leaving with the great sage

He looked blankly onto the horizon with furrow brows


Mk smiled from inside his tuktuk vehicle, his work uniform already greased up from some deliveries

Shit how did i not realised its 10 am already?

"Hey kid!, where the hell you gone off too? And where is the key?" Wukong crossed his arms with a scowl look, already knowing the answer as the young adult chuckle nervously and looked away

"Man this floor is kinda looking more comfortable to sleep on" i looked at the ground and chuckled hysterically, the lack of sleep already starting to get to me

DISCONTINUED three phases of stupidity- Redson x reader x MkWhere stories live. Discover now