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Omori was in a dark abyss.... confused on where he is, he walks around until he felt something pull him back, slowly building up the courage, he turns around and see a black figure with 3 eyes smiling horridly... in a shock Omori than wakes up gasping for air than when he calmed down he saw everyone in the dreamworld looking at him

Hiki: Sunny are you ok?
Omori: y-yeah... i just had a bad dream is all...
Basil: oh no... what was it about?
Omori: some 3 eye looking thing... idk... it dosent matter anyways
Aubrey: oh dont worry im sure if anything hurts you Hiki would beat it to a pulp!
Kel: yeah!
Hiki pov: 3 eyes...? did he saw...
Omori: is something wrong M- Hiki?
Hiki: hm? oh nothing, i was spacing out a little bit...
Kel: ok as i was saying, i found another cool part of the woods for us to explore! and no dont worry theres no spiders there so dont freak out
Hero: oh good
Aubrey: are there anything cool there?
Kel: duh! i heard if you look up at night, there are millions of stars there! and if we made it in the right time there will be a meteor shower!
Aubrey: woah!
Kel: aaaaaand i also heard theres a whole bed field of pretty flowers
Basil: really?! sounds fun!
Kel: i know right? thats why we have to go!
Omori: can i come too...?
Basil: huh?
Hero: Sunny you know you cant go to dangerous places with your bad knee condition
Kel: aww c'mon Hero! its not dangerous! let him come with us this 1 time!
Aubrey: yeah! it'll be more fun if we all go together!
Basil: hmmmm what do you think Hiki? should he come with us?
Hiki: . . . . . . . Sunny are you sure you want to come?
Omori: mhm... im used to the woods by now... so i want to come with you guys... but if its too munch of a burden than its fine, i can go on another time...
Basil: oh no its not a burden at all
Hiki: Sunny can come but only while we walk slowly, if we walk or run too fast it might damaged his legs
Aubrey & Kel: Yay!
Hero: it decided than
Basil: yay Sunny finally get to go somewhere with us!

Omori and the gang stands up to ready and leave, Omori hold on to Basil shirt sleeve to walk properly

Kel: lets go! to the NeverStars field
Aubrey: lets go!

They had a long slow walk in the woods for awhile and happily chatted, until...

Aubrey: uh oh... sprout moles are coming at us!
Hero: theres no way threw it... they blocked all the way, we have to fight
Hiki: Sunny stay here ok?
Omori: ok...

Omori stands by a tree and observed as Hiki and her m fight, some how Basil is more terrifying than Aubrey with his shovel, he sees that they fight the same way as the friends in Omori Headspace, they all beat the sprout moles with eas so everything was fine until another sprout mole sneak up behind Hiki with a rope, due to instinct and fear, Omori ran up to Hiki and slice the sprout mole in half with his stake knife, that caught everyone off gaurd as they saw what Omori did, bcz he forgot he has bad knee condition n this dreamworld Omori collapsed to his knees as Hiki kneeled down to check up on him

Hiki: Sunny are you alright?! why did you do that?!
Omori: s-sorry... i was surprised and got scared...
Kel: that was crazy Sunny! where did you get that stake knife?
Omori: o-oh... random creatures attack so often that i... have to go prepared... sorry i scared you...
Hiki: its alright... as long that your not badly injured everything is fine
Basil: can you still stand?
Omori: y-yeah... just aches a little but i can managed... 
Hero: tell us if it really hurts ok? i can help carry you if you want
Aubrey: hey! if anyone should carry Sunny its Basil!
Basil: e-eh?! w-w-why me?!
Aubrey: shhhhh! play along!
Kel: what???

Omari/ Hikikomori Redemption ArcWhere stories live. Discover now