The accident

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The day of the recital in Kel and Hero home

Hero: perfect! we look really good in this!
Kel: man this is so not my style... and this collar is choking me....
Hero: hahahaha endure it for awhile Kel, remember were doing this so we can cheer Sunny and Mari on their Recital! its going to be great!
Kel: yeah! im going to be the guy who cheer the loudest in the room for them!
Hero: plz control yourself...
Kel: shouldnt Aubrey or Basil be here by now? man... whats taking them so loooooong, i know Aubrey is probably goofing around with her dress but Basil? c'mon its his best friends day!
Hero: well the recital is only in half an hour so i geuss their on their way
Kel: ugh im'a go wiat outside, its too stuffy in here
Hero: huh? Kel wiat!

Kel already got outside but when he was about to cross the road he didnt notice the car, when Hero saw it, he jump at Kel to push him away and got hit by the car, Kel quickly got over to him

Aubrey: Kel what the heck?!
Kel: Hero?! are you ok?! hey! say something!! oh nonononononono!

Kel carries Hero into his house Kel! what happend?
Kel: help! Hero got hit by a car! call help! i'll get the ambulance right away!

The ambulance arrived and took Hero away

Mari: was that the sound of the ambulance? i wonder if something happend...
Sunny: idk... maybe someone got into an accident nearby...
Mari: well we dont have time to worry about that lets go! its almost time for the recital!
Sunny: coming

They made it and play their recital perfectly but was quite sad when their friends didnt show to watch it, Sunny call to ask Basil and was told that Hero was gotten into an accident, hearing this Sunny tells Mari and they both rush to the hospital as soon as they can

Mari: we came as soon as we could! wheres Hero?! how is he?!
Kel: w-we dont know... *hic* the doctors havent come out yet...
Aubrey: Kel...
Basil: plz dont cry Kel... your gonna make me cry too *sniffles*
Mari: what happend? Kel suddenly came in with Hero saying he got hit by a car.... we rush the ambulance here as soon as we can... hoping that we made it on time...
Sunny: are you alright Kel...?
Kel: who cares anymore Sunny...? i want to know if Hero is alright...

An doctor came out and they all stand up

Mari: how is he doc? is he gonna be alright?!
Doctor: yes, we stop the bleeding and bring him back to a more stable condition

They all have a sigh in relief

Doctor: but im sorry to say this, the boy has fallen into a coma
Mari & Kel: what....?
Doctor: im sorry... thats the best we could do for him...
Kel: b-b-but when will he wake up?
Doctor: we are not sure, comas usually takes years to wake up, so ita hard to say he'll wake up soon
Mari: no.... oh my hero...
Sunny: Mari....

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