chapter 1

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(This story is written from Joel's pov, he is 15 and etho is 16. This is also my first time really writing in first person so if there's any mistakes please tell me!)

I sat in my parents car my head pressed against the window, looking out the window bored. "Do we have to move to the countryside?" I said looking at my two parents, my mum who was sat in the passenger seat looked round and me and nodded he brown curls bouncing as she moved her head "Yes son, It will be good for us to be somewhere...more quieter" my mum said giving me a smile "I'm sure your like it when where there"

"Yeah, joel, there's animals and it's not like where going to the middle of nowhere, there's another kid there around your age" his dad said staring at the roads which where getting smaller as they drove on. I sighed drawing his eyes back to the window "yeah and I just love animals, Don't i" i said sarcastically, i mean i did love dogs and cats, i wasnt a monster. But pigs, cows and thanks. My mum laughed "i think there be your perfect friends" my mum joked. I laughed a little at her joke before looking back out the window as large fields and old cottages showed up.

Soon the fields had turned to more cottages some with extensions and some withought, they where also little corner shops like tesco and Co op, surrounded by 4 charity shops, well waht looked like charity shops, with clothes and toys hanging up inside. One shop even being a gift shop with gifts that you could find from the countryside inside, like horse teddy's and magnets. Soon enough they left the shop area and entered a thinner road surrounded by trees which hide fields of what must have been the coming into the area where everyone had farms, where I was going to live.

After what felt like hours of driving, because of course it had after all i was coming from a well built up large city and was now in some open,very green field and farm area. My dad parked the car outside what must of been our house and got out. I also got out putting my white air force 1s on the stoney gravel drive. I brushed down my clothes which included a black leather jacket, a green t-shirt to match my green streak in my hair and black slim jeans.

The house which I looked up to looked old. It was made out of the normal building brick but around the windows and doors it had that strange stoney rigged sort of walls. The roof was made out of straw and other things I couldn't tell what where but apparently it was called a thatched roof. The house was surrounded by green cut grass that whent on for what he could see as miles. The outside was surrounded by trimmed hedges. I looked around the front of the house questioning where the farm was but i guessed that had to be at the back of the house.

"Come on guys, let's take all this stuff in and look around the house" my dad said opening the boot of the car to reveal a few boxes. Luckily not alot as the moving truck had come yesterday and my parents also came yesterday to sort out the house while I waited at home.

I picked up a card board box with some of my stuff in into the house, inside it was warm and actually surprisingly big and nice. I guess it felt more homely with all our stuff in it already. I stood in the door way taking a look around before i heard my dad shout from the kitchen "your bedrooms to the right kiddo past the living room to the right" my dad said making me a little confused at first before realising this house didn't have an upstairs, instead it was all just one floor.

Managing to find my room, i set down the box In my room that looked exactly like my old one. The only differences being the size and placements. It was nice I guess, it wasn't that bad but my worries weren't on the house. My first worry was:

1. How was i going to get any friends out here. - I know my dad was talking about that boy that was around my age but thats just one and who knows what kind of farm wierdo this boy was going to be. I needed cool friends.

2. I have to spend time with stinky animals and dirt. - animals equaled dirt expecially pigs. I do not want to be rolling around in mud like a pig, unless that's what cool country kids did?

3. School? Was anyone thinking about that?- not that I have any problem not going to school I just don't want to be a farmer as my future job, I guess I'm being home schooled though. My parents are pretty smart but that equals number 1 worry was going to be a lot harder.

I signed collapsing on my bed my foot hitting the box of my stuff off, I ignored the clang the box of stuff made on the grey carpet hoping that there was nothing valuable in there and if there was that it was not broken. After a while of just laying on my bed thinking through my problems I peeled my self of my bed and took of my white air forces putting on my dark green Wellington boots, alright, I'm going to conquer these animals and go outside and meet them. I thought stepping outside my room and walking down the corridor.

"Ouch" I said after just walking into a taller person. They where wearing a green puffer jacket over a  plain black t shirt and blue dirtied jeans. "Sorry da-" i said looking up at the person and screaming, that was defiantly not my dad, this guy-....
.boy, who was defiantly not tall enough to be my dad in the first place, had white died hair with light grey highlights going through it and he had a strange piece of black fabric tied to the top of his chin and hanged down to his neck.

"Joel calm down" my dad appeared behind the stranger

"Who the hell is he?" I said.

I'm an idiot (Based On Double Life)Where stories live. Discover now