Chapter Six

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The Orion is an easy liner to follow.

With sails the size of clouds and carpentry worth more than most vessels, she stands out amidst the vast blue waters. Days we've spent tailing her, through winds and relentless waves. Soilles isn't far and the weather is almost never fair.

The endless heat makes the crew anxious and irritable. They've been promised many riches from my father should we capture her quickly. The Siren.

"Tell us what she was like again, Highness," Willow says, jumping down from the top deck. Some of the crew look up from their mediocre meals, waiting along with my inquisitive quarter master.

"She craves chaos, I think," I mutter, driving her sun-kissed face from my mind. "She's as beautiful, as evil, and as mischievous as everyone makes her out to be."

"I heard she can sing, make any person in distance entranced by the sound," one of the men interject. "Some claim she's a banished merm—"

I snatch up my pistol, shining the designs etched into the metal. "She's human, same as you and me—nothing more. The woman is lawless and it is our duty to bring her to justice."

Willow nods, glancing at the rest of the crew. "Go on then. The dining hall won't clean itself."

In respect, they bow in my direction, despite my insistence against it. A group of them huddle as they head off and thinking they're out of earshot, they mention her once more.

"Doesn't seem like she got through to the Commander though, siren or not."

My gaze reluctantly travels from the barrel of the gun across the waters, in the direction of The Orion. Day by day, we sail after them, gaining and losing speed, despite the majesty of our own vessel.

The woman I met was infuriating, blood-thirsty, irrational.

She was also just as bewitching as these sailor's tales foretold.

I didn't know one could possess such fiery hair or lips stained by crimson orchids.

"I think we should shift east, cut around the mountains. It would bring us right out onto them," Willow says, studying the map laid across the table.

"We do that and they'll sink us in the harbor."

"Our ship is well-supplied, Highness."

"The Orion is known for its stand to resistance. We will run out of ammunition long before they have." I place the gun down, frustrated to have to tell her another time. "We don't need to catch them all. Not today. My father wants her. The way to do that is on land."

"And if she stays on board?"

"She's searching for someone," I state, recalling her desperate pleas in the tavern to locate a man. "She won't stay on the ship."


"Heave! Heave!"

The net battles against gravity as we haul it up out of the ocean, watching as the captured sea life wiggle against the rope. My foot digs into the side of the deck, anchoring my weight as I reel in our catch, dropping the net on the floor beside us.

"Look at the size of them!" Willow exclaims, helping the others unravel the net.

"After three days of dry catches, anything would look good. I don't think I can take another meal of stew again."

A few of the men laugh. "Does anyone even know what beast they put in that gruel?"

Chuckling distractedly, my eyes dart up to the sky.

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