Chapter Forty-Seven

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"Search every household! Every establishment and stable!" My voice, shrill and authoritative, is unrecognizable to my ears as soldiers march on either side of me through the streets of Vale. "Not one door unopened or cellar sealed!"

Night has befallen the kingdom.

There's a faint whiff of melted iron in the air from the smith's shop that has closed business for two days now. In that time, most taverns have denied customers, fearing the vigilante that's on the loose.

They don't even understand the severity of our search... the severity of what she's done.

Proceedings within the palace are chaos. Those kneeling to my brother, who wants to hear nothing of his new position. A brother who has poured every ounce of himself into preparing the wraps and cleaning of the late king for burial, as is custom for sons to do.

I can't bring myself to enter the halls, yet alone lay eyes on my father again.

Not until I've caught her.

Not until she's in my clutches, forced to endure the depth of my agony... my hate.

Love and hate seem an extension of each other in this dark light. I can no longer decipher the two.

I have not been able to close my eyes, to even dream of sleep, knowing what will walk through my nightmares. I do not deserve peace.

Not when blood still exists deeply embedded into the cracks of the floor outside my father's chambers. Blood spilt by someone I had let in so easily, enamored by her strength, her beauty... her darkness.

I didn't know how deeply the pit inside of her festered.

How fitting the tales were of her, foretelling a woman with ice in her heart and bloodshed reflecting in her vibrant eyes.

The guilt has gnawed me raw, keeping me on my feet, slamming doors open one by one.

As solders rush through the homes, one remains behind to read a proclamation of the crown.

"You are obligated by the authority of the King of Vale, King Rayan, to step aside until the search of the criminal and pirate captain has been completed. Interfere and you will leave in chains."

My heart that once, recently, ran hot beats only weakly, dying with each second as ice freezes over within me. Their eyes land on me, the townspeople I've known my entire life, people I laugh and dine with, disbelief clear in their gazes.

I feel nothing when I look at them, desiring only to continue on.

The streets are cobblestone and mud drawn up by the boots of the soldiers.

Days I've searched in vain.

Rage, rage in knowing she could already be free of this kingdom by now, sets me off, breaking locks to search dark, musty cellars. Soldiers follow as I enter the streets of the lowborn, the streets of my birth.

"Antony, what is going on?"

I turn my head, meeting the blacksmith's eyes and whatever he sees in my gaze makes him take a few steps back. My lips are sealed as behind me, Jude, approaches her father to explain this raid.

Callum stops by my side while Gibson remains behind, watching the soldiers file through the streets, entering door by door. "You are wanted at the palace, Antony."

I shake my head.

"Your brother has been asking for you. The final steps of binding..."


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