Chapter Thirty-One

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A/N: Surprise! Happy Valentine's Day, my loves! <3


"Are you tired?"

Antony's mouth curves slowly just above the water, a playfulness present in his eyes as he floats in front of me. "Not enough to go in just yet."

Despite my aching legs, my mouth seems to hurt from smiling. I nod, pushing backwards to float. The sea has welcomed us today, letting us bask in her beauty for a while longer. I intend to soak up every second.

Life so rarely offers such moments to us.

Even with Michel, even when I convinced myself his affections were true, there was never this.

How it's happened with a man that's been raised to be my enemy is beyond me.

Don't think of that, Vivian.

I close my eyes, aware of how easily I expect the worst. My life feels like constant preparation for it. Among all the adventures, the vendettas, the days I existed but barely lived, I have been alone. I had gradually forgotten how to smile, to enjoy myself.

No wonder my crew are concerned.

This is unlike the infamous sea siren.

The man killer.

I turn, diving under the rippling waves. The volume of the salt in this area of the caldera makes it difficult to swim deep, bringing my body back up to graze the surface within seconds. I feel him swim up slowly next to me, his arm nearly touching mine.

He points at the water, at the way the lights underneath move. "Look."

The fish are as colorful as the luminescence, their bodies stirring the dream-like clouds of light as they swim. The glow of it hits the princes face like shimmer. He glances down at me, his black hair falling wet over his eyes, grabbing my hand.

We dive under together, as deep as possible and I open my eyes. After so many years at sea, the salt water in most places barely affect my ability to see underwater but here, it's strange. They sting and I strain to see him.

He swims gracefully for a man of such size, following the swarm of fish and light and he leads me through the currents with ease. The vibrant blue engulfs us as the sea life dances around us and I grin, stunned by the sight.

It's another world-a dream.

And it's ours.

He draws me in close as the brightness expands and I blink, seeing him clearly. On my last gulps of oxygen, I feel his hand curve around my neck, his mouth suddenly against mine. We break the surface laughing, kissing... and I feel it.

A shockwave of emotion in my chest, like a piece of the sky has shot straight through me.

Enough to make the smile fade from my face as fear replaces my sense of wonder.

Don't do this to yourself.

"I can't feel my legs," Antony pants, his smile widening. I nod, as breathless has him, glancing down at our legs, swiping back and forth under the waves.

"We should head back," I whisper reluctantly.

"Your eyes were different just now," he says, just as I begin to move. His words make me stop.



I look at him, loathing-dreading-how quickly my ability to hide my thoughts has deteriorated in his presence. Soft waves splash my chin. "I'm heading back."

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