Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Tonight, the ship roars with laughter spurred on by heavy drinks and engaging company.

Aggie, Vivian's hard-shelled confidant and first mate, is the only one appearing truly at work and she has stark sight set on Bastian and myself as the irritable giant leads me toward the stern, away from the excitement.

It dawns on me that there are others aboard, pirates that are not members of our crew. We haven't stopped so they must have been granted access by Vivian earlier.

"Who are these men?" I ask.

Bastian glances at them, unable to find amusement in their blatant drunkenness. "They carried with them a parcel for the captain. It was probably delivered by now."


"No, they have immunity in all circles, as they carry information across the seas. They are hired men and can board fleet or pirate vessels without suspicion."

"What did the parcel carry?"

"That's for Vivian's eyes and hers only."

Most of the crew are too preoccupied to notice the pair of us but there are few that do—although everyone is aware of our equal dislike of one another. While his reasoning is obvious, mine is buried deep in secrecy but I know the root of it.

He wants her.


And although I shouldn't, I hate that.

There aren't many places on a vessel, even one of this size, where you are entirely on your own but Bastian has somehow succeeded. Here, my eyes catch sight of the small floater that brought these messengers onto the Orion.

Bastian turns to me. "The moment we port, you need to leave this ship. And I mean gone."

"You brought me out here to say that? Again?" The irritation doubles as I think of Vivian reeling from the enormity of what I just revealed to her. "I am well aware of what you want, Bastian."

"No, no, I don't think I've been clear enough." Bastian shifts closer. "So, I'll try again. Every second you spend on this ship endangers the lives of the entire crew, of her."

"Would you have rathered I let the man drown her? Let her drift at sea? I made a choice—one that would tear up the life I have made for myself in order to protect her—"

"Why?" he snaps irritably. "How is the commander of the seas so mutable? So accommodating? I will admit, she is unlike other women but to arrive on this ship an enemy and now..." His eyes flicker towards the opposite side of the ship—the captain's quarters. His voice notably lowers. "She goes to you every night."

My eyes slim. "That drives your hatred of me, doesn't it?" I step closer to him. "You love her."

His gaze reveals all but his lips remain sealed shut.

"It's why your eyes are never far when she and I are near, why you hover—"

His features harden with anger. "She is the captain of this ship and frankly, someone who has been wounded enough by your family as it is! Why inflict more pain onto her? I see it clearly, prince. You have her right where you want her. She's probably falling into your plan perfectly—"

"The plan I came here with shot to hell the moment I laid eyes on her!" I exhale sharply, haunted by such a confession. I close my eyes, feeling the weight of turmoil in my chest. "If there is someone exposed to deception, it is me."

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