Chapter Three

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Tears began to accumulate once again in the eyes of Y/N, this time however they came out of relief and happiness, as they opened their eyes they looked down to see a deep black ball of fur, the creature instantly began to snore lightly under Y/N's head.

The master broke the silence and the light sound of crying "What a relief," he said with a smile on his face as he walked into the room.

Y/N then looked up towards him and aimed a small smile in his direction, that's when they lifted up the the ball of fur to reveal a small black cat. The cat had long fur and was almost purely black apart from a patch of emerald green that surrounded the cat's left eye. Upon further inspection Y/N noticed a small patch of green underneath their hand, this was like an under colour of the cat, Y/N was sure that this would fade from the deep black into the emerald green colour that has already presented it's self on the cat's left eye.

While Y/N was busy inspecting the newly born cat, Laxus couldn't help but inspect Y/N, he was in awe at the way that they were bruised and was dressed in old clothes that resembled rags but still looked beautiful. He inspected their short curly blonde hair and that's when his gaze shifted over to their eyes, he noticed how their eyes were two slightly different colours, it was subtle so a person would never noticed unless they were paying particularly close attention to them, both of their eyes were green but one of them had a yellow tint to it which the other never had. He noticed that their clothes seemed as if they were too big for their small figure as if they belonged to someone else before them. Laxus had been staring and not noticing it, until he noticed that Y/N's gaze was no longer focused on the cat but in his direction instead.

"S-so what are you going to name it?" He laughed out while lifting his arm up to rub the back of his head to pretend as if nothing had happened. Y/Ns gentle gaze soon turned into a frown.

"She's not an it you know", they replied scowling at him. "I think ill name her ... Mabel. Yeah Mabel that's right, she looks like a Mabel doesn't she?" Y/N's gaze shifted over at the cat again.

"I mean yeah I guess" Laxus replied but was almost instantly cut off. "Mabel, what a lovely name" The master said. With all the excitement in the tiny room the cat now known as Mabel sprouted some tiny wings and flew up to land on top of Laxus' spikey hair in an attempt to have a little nap. "So Y/N tell us about yourself!" The master said while walking over to sit down behind the desk, shoving Laxus of it in the process, Laxus then got up with a huff and went to sit in the empty seat next to Y/N, Mabel asleep on his head the whole time.

"O-oh well I'm not really interesting" Y/N stuttered.

"Well why don't you tell us about you and let us decide that for ourselves?" Laxus suggested with a shrug.

"Oh, well I guess I could, if you really want to know that is" Y/N paused and looked at Laxus who just nodded for them to continue. "Well it started about ten years ago, I was only 8 and I was lost in the woods next to my house, I had ran away from home after my new step dad ... well anyway I was lost, had been for days, at this point I figured I was miles away from home, I was hungry and cold, that's when it started to snow, typical right. I noticed a cave in the distance and ran to it in attempt to keep warm, inside the cave it was dark but as I ventured further in I found myself inside a large area, it was dark and dingy but I decided to wander around it anyway, that's when I slipped on something and fell to the ground. The sound of me falling had alerted her to my presence, she roared a roar that still rings my ears today, followed by a breath of fire which lit up the room and lighted candles that was been dotted around the cave. With the new presence of light I could now see her, I looked up to see a massive blue and black dragon lying on a mountain of all things gold and shiny ... I couldn't move, I just laid there, paralysed in terror, but she was kind, she checked that I was okay, and attempted to help me find my way home, but I refused, I didn't want to go back, with that she fed me and raised me, teaching me to defend myself against the wild animals and taught me how to hunt encase I ever got lost again. Then on July 7, X777 she just vanished, I woke up and she was gone, so I stayed there just waiting for her, until the other day, I went hunting for food and I got lost, I couldn't find my way back it got dark quick and I wasn't able to find my way back, eventually all of the attacks by wolves and them other things caught up to me and I just fainted." The master and Laxus watched them intently, listening to their story, trying to figure out just who this person is.

"That's when I found you isn't it?" Laxus asked and Y/N just nodded.

"This dragon you found, what was her name?" The master asked.

"It was Calypso, Calypso the elemental dragon" They answered and the master nodded. "My dragon always spoke of her evil brother and how she wished she could defeat him to end his rein of terror, I fear she went after to him to stop him, I guess I was hoping that one day she would return, and tell me all about a battle she had with him in which she returned victorious."

The master nodded. "I see, so you stayed so that if she won, she would have someone to return to."


"THAT MEANS YOU'RE A DRAGON SLAYER TOO", someone shouted as the door of the office, catching everyone off guard.

"NATSU DON'T DO THAT! You'll cause gramps here a heart attack, what are you doing here anyway?" Laxus shouted at Natsu, this however only caused him to smurk and put both of his hands behind his head.

"You should join the guild Y/N, then we can have four dragon slayers." he said, this seemed to have triggered something in Laxus as a vein bulged from his head.

"Hey! I'm a dragon slayer too you know!" Laxus stated standing up, disturbing the cat that was sleeping on his head.

"Wait you are?" Y/N asked, causing Laxus to seem disappointed. "Sorry, its just you don't smell like one, not that dragon slayers have a sent but they just all have a faint smell on them that the same on every dragon slayer I've met." Y/N explains waving their arms in an attempt to not upset Laxus.

"What other dragon slayers have you met my child?" the Master asks.

"Back when I was under the care of Calypso, she had a couple of visitors with their own students, that's all I promise" Y/N explained, that's when Natsu started so sulk and leave the room, muttering under his breath that he can't smell a difference between dragon slayers. This caused Laxus to smile, he then turned to face the small window, he noticed that the sun had begun to set.

"It's getting late, I'm going to head home soon" Laxus said while the master nodded. "Since you were lost, I'm guessing you don't have anywhere to go, you can come and stay with me for a while if you'd like?" He asked standing up. "Y-Yes please." Y/N replied also standing up, Laxus gave the master a nodd before leaving his office and beginning to walk the stairs down towards the exit, not knowing what to do Y/N copied and also gave the master a nod before following Laxus about two steps behind. The two then walked out of the guild hall like this.

The two walked for a while, with a comfortable silence in the air. In no time the sky went from yellow to a dark blue and street lights had started to flicker on, upon reaching a river, Laxus had stopped, not paying attention Y/N had walked into the back of him. "The river is beautiful at this time of night." he stated not seeming to notice the fact that they bumped into him and turning to face the river and sitting on the edge of it with feet dangling over the edge. Y/N then turned to face it as well to see what he was talking about, they noticed how the lights of the city and the sky reflected in the water and stared at it as well.

"It is beautiful," Y/N replied watching as the water moved. They stayed there for a while when Y/N decided to have a little fun, they guided the water up to splash Laxus before instantly drying him off. "What the hell was that, I'm dry?" he asked utterly confused at whether or not he had just been splashed. Y/N giggled to themselves as Laxus looked up at them and gave them a smile.

"Come on," he said as he stood up, scooping water up in his hands on the way "let's go" he said walking up behind them and dunking all of the water in his hands down the back of their t-shirt. "Ahahh, what was that?" they exclaimed resulting in a little laugh from Laxus, as he walked down a street, Y/N dried themselves before doing a little run to catch up to Laxus, in a matter of minutes they arrived at a house, Laxus unlocked the door and invited Y/N in, the door opened straight into a Livingroom, with a white couch and a white floor, the walls were a plain light blue with a couple of lights mounted on the wall, there was a fireplace with a couple of pictures of people stood on it.

"There's a bathroom back there to the right, feel free to use it, there towels and a couple of my t-shirts in there that you can use" he said, finally taking the sleeping cat off of his head before sitting on the couch putting the fire on and cuddling with the towel.

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