Chapter Five

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Y/N woke up in a sweat, Laxus was sat beside them on the bed, it was a dream it must have been. "Are you okay?" Laxus asks worriedly, Y/N nods while glancing at the clock to see the time, it read 04:13, just reading how early it was made Y/N yawn. "It was just a nightmare, that's all, we all get them" Laxus said soothingly, he reached up and began to stroke Y/N's hair in an attempt to settle their breathing.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me," Y/N said leaning their head into Laxus' hand, looking him in the eyes.

"Come on its late, you should go back to sleep," he said tucking Y/N back into the double bed, before heading out of the room.

"Wait! Don't go, please I don't want to be alone anymore." Laxus nodded and headed back over to the bed, he lifted up the covers and got into bed with Y/N, they then proceeded to roll over to face Laxus before closing their eyes and drifting off to a more peaceful sleep this time.

Once again Laxus awoke before Y/N, and once again, he felt pressure on his chest, but this time there was someone on his face too, he lifted his hand off to attempt to push it off, that's when he discovered that Mabel had decided to sleep on his face last night, he picked her up and went to place her on his chest only to once again discover Y/N's head, he placed Mabel on the side of the bed before sneaking out from underneath Y/N, and placing a pillow under their head.

Laxus then took Mabel downstairs and began to cook some pancakes while Mabel played on the couch with a cat toy that Laxus bought for her yesterday while they were out. While making the pancake batter Laxus started to hum a song, without realising, before he knew it he started to sway his hips to the song that he was humming, he then went to put the batter in the frying pan to make the pancakes.

"Nice moves you have there," Y/N said with smirk as they came down the stairs, Laxus then stopped and continued to make the pancakes.

"I don't have a clue what your on about," he said trying to pretend as if nothing happened and they were clearly making the whole thing up.

A week soon past, and the two started to grow closer and closer, they spent each day with each other, most days they spent at the guild hall, drinking and laughing, some days however they spent just sitting in the house and entertaining themselves. Most nights Y/N suffered from night terrors so the two adopted to both sleeping in Laxus' room, his presence often calmed them so the night terror were less common. They had heard back from the other exceeds and they had come to the conclusion that Mabel was indeed deaf, so they were unable to talk, this resulted in them behaving more like a normal cat than an exceed, but the master had suggested taking her to a healer he knows to see if they could design some kind of cochlear implant that works on exceeds. One morning the two were in the kitchen talking.

"So I was thinking, do you plan on sticking around for a while?, if so you should get Mabel to join the guild" Laxus suggested putting a plate of pancakes on the island for Y/N.

Y/N shrugged "I don't know, are you sure that people would accept that, I mean I've seen you all together, your like a family I wouldn't want to intrude on that," they said as they sat down to eat the pancakes.

"Tut-tut Y/N, you haven't been there long but your already part of the family, part of my family, and I'm sure that in time you could be part of the family as a whole," Laxus says staring into Y/N's eyes, "Plus, if your going to stay around any longer, your going to have to start paying your way around here, you need to chip in on food, not to mention you need to pay your share of the rent," he says jokingly, which resulted in Y/N smacking his arm, before he also sat down to eat pancakes as well.

"Well, I guess I will, I mean I don't have anywhere else to go"

"Good, I'd appreciate it" he says while getting up to wash the pots. After the pots were washed and dried the two began to take a walk to the guild hall, they were walking in silence but it was still a neither of them seemed to mind. It was the last couple of days of summer so it was beginning to get a chill in the air and the leaves where beginning to turn. It wasn't long until they arrived at their destination, a large building which seemed to be as loud as it was large, it always had people running in and out of the building so the doors tended to remain open but on this occasion.

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