Chapter 4- Rainy Days and Aunties

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Man, I sure do love rainy days and a warm bed. EXCEPT FOR WHEN IM SUPPOSED TO BE MEETING UP WITH MY FAIRY FRIENDS! I woke up from a longer than normal slumber, and rolled over just the slightest. I rolled off of the bed and hit my little noggin on my lovely nightstand. In the midst of my fall, I knocked off EVERYTHING from the table, and it all fell on me. "OW!" Is all I could say. I army crawled over to the window across from my bed, and pouted at the falling rain. I looked over at the field leading to the forest, and could see that it was flooding! My head was hurting after my fall, so I slumped back down on the bed. I guess there will be no fairy journeys today. What a turnout. I sure hope Aoife understands!

The next day rolled around slowly, and I bust myself out of bed the fastest I could. I rushed for my duffel bag and grabbed my trusty purple rain boots and mismatched socks. After I had thrown on an undershirt and pants, I ran for the closet and put on the first coat I could find. My aunt is a pro at messing up small spaces in the shortest time EVER, so I couldn't find one for a moment. Someone get that woman a Guinness World Record. As I waddled to the the door, I could hear what sounded like a cow stomping around. It was coming from my aunt's room. I debated for a moment, and then grabbed a spatula from the boxes in the kitchen. As I got closer to the door, it sounded like it was grunting. "I didn't aunt Stacey had cows?" I whispered to myself. I jumped out and bust the door open, only to find my dang AUNT putting her stupid Ugg Boots on. She smirked at me and brushed past me as if I wasn't there. I stood sort of dumb founded for a moment, and then headed for the door again. "Hey, Stacey could I have a Pop-tart for break fast?" I asked already heading for the pantry. "It's 10:30 AM. You can have some freshly picked celery from the garden with some peanut butter." She announced as she checked her ugly old-timey watch. She handed me a spade and gloves. "I don't wanna garden this morning." I said with a tad bit of annoyance. "You WILL help me, or this trip for you was all for naught!" She explained with her prissy aunt tone. I don't want to be gardening when I could be off hunting down hogs or something with a pair of pixies. I have to get away. We started to get to work when I had an idea. "Hey auntie, I feel not so good. Could I go take a poo?" I said while pouting and holding my stomach. "Ugh! TMI You little prick! Just go." She yelled as she started digging up potatoes. The old owners had left what seemed like a VERY functioning garden. I did not in fact go back to the cottage, but took my sorry bum to the arch-way path. I didn't think she'd notice at all, since she was intently working, so I walked on in. The canopy was still dripping from the rain the day before. It sounded heavenly, like a noise app for falling asleep. I strolled on for about fifteen minutes to the spot where I found Aoife, hoping she would be there. She was in fact not there, so I kneeled down and just picked flowers while waiting for her. A couple minutes later, I heard a rustle in the bushes and spun around. Oh god. My dang AUNT FOLLOWED ME INTO THE WOODS. "Just what are you doing here?" She gasped while finding her balance with a limb of an oak. "I'm taking a crap. Remember Stacey?" I said sarcastically while turning back to look for the fairies through the trees. My hair was getting wet from the runoff, so I was getting pissed. "I need your help with the garden! So if you're going to just meander around I'll call your-" my aunt started to ramble but, was interrupted by a quickly approaching rustle in the bush wall next to us. Stacey slowly turned her head to see none other than the saint that is Jasper. She stumbled backward and tripped on a pebble. Jasper flew quickly to my shoulder and hid behind my hair. "WHAT THE HECK IS THAT THING?" They exclaimed in perfect unison while pointing at each other. "Is that a fairy??" Asked my aunt while backing away on the ground and trembling. "Nope Stacey, he's a bird." I said sarcastically with a straight face. "One of these days, your attitude is gonna come back to nip you in the bum!" She told me. Please, karma is just a myth. "IS IT A BAD BEAN? WILL IT KILL ME? Or worse eat me?" Worried Jasper. Poor buddy is so cautious of everything. "She might. I heard she used to kill bugs for fun." I said while starring down at her smug face. "HEY! how dare you talk about me like that?" Yelled my aunt. "Anyway. Where is Aoife?" I asked as if nothing was amiss. "She's back the tree. I came to tell you that she sent me for you!" Exclaimed Jasper, coming out from behind my hair to see me. We started to walk through the bushes, when my aunt grabbed my ankle. "Just where do you think you're going young lady?" Asked my aunt. "I'm going to see my friend. Something you've never had." I said with no remorse. "Wait! If you're not going to listen, atleast let me come along." She pleaded. For once she actually looked sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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