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I woke up and Vance was still sleeping I slid out the bed got ready did my routine and went to wake up Vance

Vance wake up i yell in his ear he jumps up wtf y/n he said get dressed we're going to be late for school said He got ready we walk out the door and walk to school

oh Um y/n I have to ask you something he said yes what is it I said will you go to homecoming with me he said yes ofc I will Vance I said

We go in school I walk in first period I was still so excited because of what Vance asked i was so happy to tell the others

I'm walking to my seat and robin tripped me I fell on my face a me all the kids were laughing I sat down embarrass the end of class I was walking the the hallway and Bruce came up to me and called me a slut wtf Bruce I said

your ugly I don't know how anyone will date you he said oh ok.. I said skip to walking to lunch Finns old bully's start walking up to me the kicked me in my stomach and started punching me

I was crying and saw robin Gwen and Finn look at us and walked Away not doing any thing they stop and I walk in lunch knowing my stomach is Bruised and hurt like hell I was mad

I see Vance and Madison seething with each other at our table but there no other seat because Maddison took my seat
(The seating is like this but we're Maddison is seating is we're y/n sits and Bruce is in our  school)
Maddison Vance Bruce billy
Griffin Robin Finn Gwen Donna
I stand there like a idiot I roll my eyes and walk to the trash put my lunch in the trash and walked out the cafeteria "I can't believe he was sitting with Maddison my enemy and they didn't care about me they just let her seat there not one of them cared"y/n mind my eyes started getting watery

I walk in the bathroom and start to cry I hear the door open then I run in the stall and wipe my tears y/n I know your here ???said
I walked out and see Gwen y/n are you ok she said yes I'm fine I said giving her a warm smile

well ok do you know Vance and Maddison are dating so they wanted me to come tell you your going to have to find some where else to seat at lunch and sorry you can't go to the rank tomorrow and the movies on Saturday because we're giving your tickets to Maddison oh and Vance said he going to homecoming with Maddison now she said

After hear about Vance and Maddison are dating and how there replacing  me with fucking Maddison my eyes start or get watery and I was full of anger

But I tried to stay clam to not break being the sweetest girl in town who was perfect never cried and never got angry character and repetition I set for myself

I took a deep breath before talking ok that fine I said smiling trying so hard not to cry ok we'll talk to you later she said walking out the bathroom when she left I started crying

I was sad but anger at the same time I punch the wall and it made and hole my knuckles started to bleed so I cleaned them and wrapped them and I walk out the bath room with mascara running down my face

But then the worst thing happened the bell ringed I started to running to the door to leave school while all the kids were coming out of classes and lunch but then I bumped in to robin he look at me and my face in a worried face what wrong he said

i started to cry even more and pushed up and kept running and ran out the doors runing to my house

I ran in my room and started ripping the with me and Vance and my friend I was hitting my pillows throwing everything on the floor I can't believe my crush my friends my siblings really did that to me

I was crying in my pillow mascara going everywhere I didn't release what time it was the kids should me home soon I was still crying and Finn opened my door and he was shocked of the mess and some crying Gwen was behind him and she was shock to GET OUT!! I FUCKING HATE ALL OFF YOU!! I screamed

Finn started crying YOUR THE ONE CRYING !! YOUR THE ONE FUCKING CRYING!! I screamed He closed the door I got up and locked it I kinda felt bad Finn was scared and called robin and he just had a feeling he should call Vance then he called bruce they came over

Y/n was still crying Finn let them in
Vance banged on y/n door WHO IS IT!? I said wiping my tears it robin Vance Bruce Finn and Gwen robin said oh ok give me a second I brushed my hair fix my makeup and slid out the door

I look at them and give them a warm smile standing in front of my door what do you guy need I said nicely Finn nothing looks wrong with her robin said yes there is Vance said
What do you mean I said y/n are you ok bruce said my eyes start to water wow now they care about how I feel

Yup never been better then why are you eyes watering y/n Finn said Finn imm fine my eyes are not watering Vance pushed me out the way and open my door to see everything on the floor nothing on my bed,dresser,and the photos I ripped

My eyes started to water a tear drop down my cheek wtf y/n Vance said omg robin and Bruce said I told you finn said I push them out the way and walk in my room locking the door

I being to cry so hard they where banging on the door y/n let us in!!!y/n wtf happened!! Are you ok!I'm going to get the spare key!! Once I hear spare key I got up and hurried and cleaned I cleaned my room

I hear the door lock start to turn so I grab the ripped pictures and hid it under my bed they came in I gave them a smile come in i said

no I'm tripping Bruce said this room was a mess a sec ago robin said what are you talking about I giggled no y/n what wrong Vance said nothing wrong I said why do y'all even care I mumbled

what was that Vance said nothing I said tell me he said nothing! If you don't tell us I will say what happened that yk and when yk then yk happened Vance  said Omg vance that was in kindergarten I said

I will tell them Vance said WHY DO YA'LL EVEN CARE!! I screamed my eyes were getting watery you guys treated me like shit today can you guys just go I said

I wiped my tears and give them a smile she freaks me out robin said how did we treat you like shit today y/n Vance said why don't you know y/n said as she rolled her eyes
Omg just fucking tell us vance said

Ok ok I was so happy was so happy when I was walking in to first period then robin tripped me on purpose in front of the class and I feel on my face then Bruce told me that I was a slut  and your ugly I don't know how anyone will date you then Finn old bully's jumped me and robin and my own siblings walked pass and looked at me then keeled walking  and you guys are replacing me with Maddison really I said crying

I wiped my tear but you know it ok I don't even know any of y'all you guys are strangers I said closing my door and locking it

y/n let us in I unlock the door grabbed the ripped pictures sticker my hand  out the door gave it to them and locked my door aging y/n wtf is this! Vance said

I got dressed  in to thing while there knocking on my door

I got dressed  in to thing while there knocking on my door

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I opened my window and jumped out

A/n: sorry took so long I was busy with my other story and shcool but I came up with more ideas

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