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I look up and see finny,Donna,billy,Gwen,
vance, Melissa,and Bruce. There were playing, laughing,and vance and Melissa were kissing a lot. Hey how about we go to grab n go instead griffen said sure I say griffin got of the swing

I'm jump off it I said ok be careful tho griffin said I start going higher and then I jump I land on my stomach I sit up and look at griffin and he looks back at me

Then we just burst in to laughter so loud finny,Donna,billy,Gwen,vance, Melissa,and Bruce hear so they look at us

OH HEY Y/N AND GRIFFIN COME HANG OUT WITH US Bruce yelled YEA COME robin yelled SURE griffin yelled as he walked over there i just stand there i grab my bad I go to walk away HEY Y/N ARE YOU COMING vance yelled NO I'M GOOD I'M JUST GO HOME!I yelled

WHY!robin yelled I JUSTED HAVE SOME THING TO DO!I yelled back walking away I'm walking home kicking rocks I get home and go upstairs I take a shower then I walk to my room i grab a song and play it I open my closet

And grab my pj's and read a book then I heard the front door open I walk down stairs to grab water and see who it is I see finny,Donna,billy,Gwen,vance,Melissa,Bruce, and griffin I roll my eyes and walk to the kitchen and grab a water bottle as I walk to the stairs

oh hey y/n robin said hi.. I said come watch a movie with us gwen said I'm good I said are you sure Bruce said yup really y/n come sit down now vance said

I told you I'm GOOD I said kinda yelling but not yelling yk I walk up to my room i start playing music I was sing and dance to my music and Vance walked in so I stoped he walked in and closed the door what do you want

I just want to go to sleep and get away from Melissa Vance said first of all if your tried go sleep in the couch or go home second of all why do you want to get away for her she your girlfriend

No I think I'm just sleep in your room like we did in 1-8th grade and idk why I'm even dating her ugly ass just so my friends think I'm cool ig Vance said did Vance hopper really remember me

Fine whatever ig just sleep on that side of the bed I say as I turn off the music ok he said I turn on the tv in my room anything you want to watch I say umm jaws he said ok I say as I grab the movie I play it on the tv I lay down next to Vance I was almost off the bed because my bed was a twin size bed

Come here Vance said what? I said your fall of the bed he said ok I get close to him he holds me I start blushing omg what am I doing he has a freaking girlfriend so any thing new in your life Vance said

Well me and Scotty are dating I said that player really y/n Vance said I giggled I honestly think about breaking up with him

he a fucking jerk and he fucking Maddison I say dame your not sad vance said no I don't really like him either way I said

Dameee well same I prop going to brake up with Melissa she mad annoying Vance said dame I said I look way Vance he was just looking in my eyes

Then he looks at my lip then back to my eyes he leans in and then kiss me I kiss back he pulls away I'm so sorr-I cut him off by kissing him our kissing turn into a make out session

He starts to to give my hickeys on my neck I let out a little moun Vance egress and smirk I go back to kissing him he takes off my shirt reveal my bra and starts giving me hickeys on my chest i he get on top of me still giving me hickeys

I let out another little moun he staring going down then start tugging on my shorts look at me mhm I say I nodding my head up and down he smirked and told my my shorts then he starts giving me kissing on my legs the spreads and gives me hickeys in my inner thigh then pulls of my panties slowly and then look at me

Omg I said yes already I say ok ok he said smirking I can tell him breathing on my pussy(hahah pussy and by the way your 18 and Vance is 19) the. He puts his tongue in my pussy he starts liking my clit up and done side to Side

I was trying to hold in my mouns but then her went faster that when I let out a moun but I cover my mouth because people are downstairs

I start mouning like crazy but only Vance can hear because I'm covering my mouth I take my hand of my mouth fuck I'm a bout to cum~ I say I cum Vance licks it yummy he says I pull him by his shirt and kiss him and push's him on the bed he take off his shirt

I get on top of him then I go down and pull his pants off the his underwear he's sick was already hard I grab it and like the top of it I start licking in a circle on his tip the i starts sucking it up and down he grons i gagged a couple time

I start going faster fuck y/n~he said he cummed in my mouth I swallow it open your mouth Vance said I open it good job doll he said but we're not done yet he said I smirked I leaned over to my night stand and open that bottom door I grab condom and gave it to Vance he opened it and smirked he put the condom on your ready he said

I been ready hopper I said ok he said he put his dick in me and started going up and down slowly my eyes widened he starts kissing my neck and giving me more hickeys he Starts going faster and putting it all in a ahh~ mmmm~ I moun

I cover my mouth he grons fuck hopper~ i said I going to cum again I said me too doll he said we both cummed at the same time
He get off off of me and lays next to me I look at him then he looks at me and give me a peck on the lips
he take off the condom and whipping it dick off with a wipe then putting in the little trash bin in my room want to take a shower Vance said together? I said yeah he said sure

I grab my Clothes and go grab Vance some pjs from my dad room and the grab 2 towels I walk back to the room Vance his clothes on I going to go check in the kid Vance said ok I said Vance walks out the room and walk downstairs hey y'all imm sleep on y/n floor ok with Bruce and griffin are sleeping in the couch me and robin are sleeping in my room and Gwen billy and Donna are sleeping in Gwen room Finn said

ok he said oh and Melissa have to go home so she told me to tell you he loves you finn said ok Vance said well gn he said gn!! They said I walk to the bath room to see y/n already undress with the water running took you long enough I said as he code the door and locked it he was just starring at me

do I look weird no your just look perfect he said I blushed well her imm trying in the shower ok ok he said taking off his cloths I get in the shower as Vance follows behind me

I start getting wet under the shower head your so Beautiful Vance said thank you handsome I say we just you know wash are self and wash each other hair I turn off the water and we get out we dry up and get dressed vance left me up and put me in the sink and was kissing ok Vance come one we have to go

I open the door and look to see if anyone was there ok let go I say we run to my room and Vance closed my door and locked it he kissed me we get in my bed and out the covers on us vance I say

yes love Vance said are we going tell them I say If you want or we can keep doing this and keep it on the down low or he said then let keep it in the down low he put his and around my waist holding me tight Vance kissing my forehead I fall asleep then he fell asleep
(Dang 2 chapters in a day y'all lucky but I hope you guess like it I guess we'll see what happens next)

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