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I wake up to me cuddle Vance i remember last night and blush like crazy seconds later Vance wake up good morning beautiful he says good morning I say then we hear a knock on the door Vance quickly gets up and opens it it was Gwen

She push's Vance and walk to me sassy much Vance says get out really quick gwen says ok I have to get ready any way he says

So billy kissed me! What i say Gwennn!! Fin yells explain later I say and you and Vance
Sleep on the same bed ooooo what are you talking about i say 1 the bed on the floor is neat and has not been touched and 2 the sheet form Gwen says

well nothing happened so don't tell no one I say gwennn!! Finn yells I'm coming!! Gwen yells she walk out the door I get ready
Everyone ate and was chilling eventually everybody had to go home

1 Week later I been hanging out with Vance more I wake up to my alarm it's Halloween I get exited because Vance invited me to a party I make breakfast and eat it the kids went to robins house for today

I go up stairs I take a shower I look at the time and I have to leave in 2 hours I grab my costume and do my makeup and hair it

I go up stairs I take a shower I look at the time and I have to leave in 2 hours I grab my  costume and do my makeup and hair it

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it's 5:30pm perfect I grabbed my Mini bag with my exes makeup and stuff I walk out and wait for Vance I see Vance and his truck I walk to the car he the only on in I open the door and put on my seat belt

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it's 5:30pm perfect I grabbed my Mini bag with my exes makeup and stuff I walk out and wait for Vance I see Vance and his truck I walk to the car he the only on in I open the door and put on my seat belt

Wow y/n looking hot he said thank you I say we talk and giggle as he drives to the party we make it and I get out the car as Vance dose to

We walk i together Vance to his "girlfriend" as I walk to my "boyfriend hey Scotty dame y/n your going leg me hit he says no I say as I roll my eyes

he slaps my ass I get kinda mad and ingore it he sees Maddison and winks at her

I notice and roll my eye I look at Vance makeing out with his girlfriend I start getting jealous and mad

I just glare at them Vance notice and looks at me then winks I start to blush I go and drink 2 cups of the mystery punch and 15 shots the I take 16 more shot the have 3 bottles of beer so

I'm drunk asf my fav song plays is all to the dance floor and Dave like crazy then I start twerking on some random dude

I look see who it is and it Vance he just hold my ass as people are cheering and throwing money and people touching my ass but I'm still twerking on Vance his hand hold my waist we're both clearly drunk the song ends and

I stop people are just dancing as Vance holds my hand leading me outside we hope in his truck he drive drunk asf but we both are but lucky we made it safe to his house we walk in his house he brings me to his room

I walk in me closes the door and locks it at this point it very clear what we both want he grab my waits and starts kissing Yea me I push him in his bed and takes off his pants and his underwear exposing his dick he was already hard I grab it and start licking it

I lick the top he grons i suck on it and deep throating his dick intill he cumed in my mouth I start taking my cloths off while he take his shirt off I get on him completely naked

I kiss him then I grab his dick and put it in me I hop um and down

then I start ridding it going back and forth he flips me over and goes in and out oh fuck hopper i moun he gose fast mmm~I moan he starts giving me hickeys fuckkkk~I moan he slid his dick out as

I cumed I sat up and stocked my tongue out as he cumed on my face I lick it the clean it off he laying in his bed you good he yes I am now that you fucked me i say as he thorws his shirt at em is was big I put it on

then slid on my underwear I take all my makeup off and lay next to Vance i looked at his eyes he then gave me a peck on my lips your so pretty he says your so hot I said why thank you he said I chuckle gn love he said gn bae I says I soon fall asleep also cuddle Vance

Happy Halloween it 12:27am October 31 Halloween special hehe

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