524 6 2

Motel six

Thirteen in foster care

I was stealing iPods for tops to wear

Little bitch

Clingy like hell to my besties
Acting all grown and sexy

I was wrong for that
Wasting money on pills

My mother couldn't even pay off the phone bills

Fourteen, hit like a brick
Ended up living at the Motel 6

I don't want to go yet
When I jumped out my window I was walking to the park when I heard someone call my name

So I ran I ran to the park I sat on the swings and someone came and sit next to the swing next to me

Why did you run when I called your name??said a I turn to looks to see who it was it was griffin I looked back at my feet

Well I dropped my plans with those jerks I don't know why they did that to you Griffin said you didn't have to do that I said

no I wanted to there were being jerks for doing that to you he said so tomorrow we can hang out while they go stupid Roller skate and when they go to watch there movie we can go roller skating he said are you sure I said

ofc y/n he said your the best griffin I said well I got to get home he said ok bye griffin!!! I said bye y/n!!! He said I swingers on the swings for a hour then I decided to go home ..

I got home open the door walk in and see Bruce Vance robin and Gwen and finny In the living room Vance got up and ran up to me hugging me I just pat his back awkwardly
We're so sorry y/n Finn's said ok I say I push Vance off of me and walk to my room

I grabbed my Walkman and blast music in my ears
Vance pov
When she walked in her room I got so mad I have never hugged any one like that Vance thought

what is worng with her Vance said I don't know man Finn said well I got to get home man Vance said me to man robin said ok bye guys Finn said as he locked the door when they got out
I walk next to y/n houses and walks in my house because I'm her next door neighbor

I start walking up to my room I close my door put my clothes  in the washer and get in to pjs and make dinner which was microwave Mac and cheese

i put the Clothes in the dry then eat my dinner then someone opened my door what are you doing boy Vance drunk dad said

about to wash my fork Vance said his head staring at the ground well hurry up his da said Vance e got up and washed his fork and grabbed his clothing for the dryer and went up stairs

He put us cloths on his desk and look out his window to see y/n reading she look so peaceful full she put down the book

Laid down and I can see she was sleeping the. I went to bed

Y/n pov
I wake up and get dressed for school another day of fell I do my makeup an did everything else

I walked down stairs and walk out the door I hear Gwen and Finn yell wait for me I ignore them and start walking fast I look behind me and they were running so I ran

It didn't feel like I was running it felt like my leg were sinking deeper in the side walk I was at school and walked in 1 period and see robin I walk pass him

Skip to lunch because I'm Lazy Bitch

I walk in lunch I'm not even hungry just walked down the cafeteria to find somewhere to sit I see my "friends" and Maddison I didn't want to cry so I looked Away hey y/n some call I turn around to see who it was it was Scotty

A player in shcool he waved to come here so I walk over there sit with us y/n he said ok I said all those boys were looking at me funny on of them grabbed my shoulders and Scotty put his hand in my thigh and then his friend Jake grabbed my boob wtf I said why hot stuff you don't like this kinda attention Jake said get the fuck off of me I screamed and slapped and Jake I got up and ran out the cafeteria

I ran out of shcool and went home I went to my room then fell asleep I look at the time and it was 2:59 oh shot I got to hang out with Griffen I get dressed in this

(With out the glasses and purse)I do my routine I start walking down stairs hey we're you going Finn said non of your Business I said I walked out the door and saw Vance in the car with Melissa Robin  Bruce rolled my eyes and walked away

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(With out the glasses and purse)
I do my routine I start walking down stairs hey we're you going Finn said non of your Business I said I walked out the door and saw Vance in the car with Melissa Robin Bruce rolled my eyes and walked away

I get to the park hey griffin I said to the boy siting on the swing oh hey y/n he said let go under the play ground under the slide he said ok said we get under there the

we just start talking hey wanna go back on the swings I said sure griffin said  we went on the swings talking and just chilling 10 mins later I heard familiar voices I look up and see...

Sorry I didn't mean to take that long I have school and I'm moving so there a lot of packing and my mom had my phone taken away I still have it taken away but I just got out of school so just see if she noticed It not in her room heheheh

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