Chapter 1

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"Ma'am your in a hospital can you tell me your name" I heard someone say

but it was hard for me to open my eyes all the way

"it's...ummm.... It's Layla" I said

"ok Layla you have been in an accident your friend is here" The doctor said

"La can you hear me" I heard Ma say

"Ma is that you" I said opening my eyes

"hey bestie I thought we agreed to only be in the hospital when you give birth to my God child" she said chuckling as tears rolled down her face

and that's when I remembered Ave

"oh Ma they took-" I stared

"shhh I know but we can't talk about it here we have ears" she said looking at the police officers outside the door

"I'm sorry" I said crying

"it's not your fault Layla" she said hugging me but then everything went black again


"What do you mean you haven't told her" I said

"I don't want to tell her something that may not even be permanent" Ma said

"she's going to find out eventually" I said

"the girl literally just had a seizure in my arms, I have her blood all over my clothes, I just found out my father has been alive this whole time and my daughter is missing so please forgive me if I didn't want to deliver the worst news to her" she said then started walking away

"wait Ma'Kayla let me explain" I said

"unk please I just need to breath before I be the next one in a hospital bed" she said walking away

I decide to just sit inside of Layla's room waiting for Ma to get back

30 minutes had done passed by and Ma still wasn't back the door had opened and Justin came in and instantly a mug formed on my face

"have you seen Ma" he asked

"naw but I should really beat your ass" I said standing up

"and you should if I actually did something but I didn't besides you should really kick your own ass" he said referring to my brothers death

"mind your business you don't know my situation" I said

"I get it you couldn't kill your own blood but I would like to say that your business is downstairs looking for Ma" he said

"what the fuck man ight can you stay here and watch her untill see wakes up" I said

"fo sho" he said and I left out the room


The doctor had just left the room after checking up on Layla each time they came in they kept saying the same shi

"she should be waking up soon" and then make a face that says they don't know shit

"why is it so bright in here" I heard Layla say in a raspy voice

"wassup little boy" I said smiling

she stuck her middle finger up at me I was really glad to see her up

"can you give me some water" she asked putting her hand over her throat

I poured her some water and gave it to her

"here" I said

"thank you slave" she said drinking the water

"fuck you" I said chuckling

"so where's Ma" she said

"I'm not really sure I've been here for an hour she anit come back yet" I said

"awe you stayed with me I knew you liked me bestie" she said

"naw I just wanted to know if that beauty sleep was gonna work but it didn't you still look like a little boy" I said making her laugh

"how long was I out" she asked

"12 hours" I said

"Hey" she said

"wassup" I said

"look I already know about your line of work" she said

"ok" I said raising my eyebrow

"and I don't ever ask you for anything but please find that little girl" she said as tears streamed down her face

"already on it" I said

"ok" she said

I got some tissues for her to wipe her face

"Justin" she said

"yes Layla" I said

"why can't I feel my legs" she said in a panic voice

"hey Layla listen to me" I said trying to calm her down

"I can't feel my legs" she said crying hard

"listen to me so I can explain" I said

"what is there to explain I can't feel my damn legs that means somethings wrong call I doctor now" she yelled

and then she started to shake and the monitors started beeping

"hey I need some help in here " I yelled

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