Chapter 18

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I had just woken up and I smelt breakfast I instantly jumped out of bed ready to see the food

I walked in the kitchen and saw that Layla was in there cooking up a storm

"Look at you moving around the kitchen" I said

"Girl you see me" she said doing a little dance

"You need help with something I don't want you moving to much and get tired" I said

"I'm fine but if you insist you can go over there and finish cooking the bacon" she said

I walked to the sink washing my hands first then heading over to the store

"So have you talked to my bro since y'all last altercation a week ago" she said

"nope but he really wants to" I said

"as he should y'all need to just get back together" she said

"mhm ion know about that now" I said

"why not Ma" she said

"because I lot has happened between us and to be honest I don't think I can fully trust him again" I said

"so your saying you don't wanna get back together with him" she said 

"No I'm not saying that" I said

"So your saying you do then" she said

"I'm saying I don't know" I said

"well until you figure out what you want may I suggest keeping your pants on" she said

"shut up" I said laughing

"I'm serious, fix the unspoken part of the relationship first" she said

"look at you getting your therapist on" I said and then Calvin walked into the room

"speaking of  unspoken relationship good morning" she said

"good morning Lay and Ma" he said I didn't say anything I just returned to cooking

"alright so the foods almost done you can have a seat" she said but my phone then started to ring

"well I'm going to go handle this the  bacon is all done" I said leaving the kitchen

"Nice talk I guess" I said

"she'll come around Calvin you just have to give it some time" Layla said

"nah I don't think so she doesn't trust me and honestly I don't blame her I mean I continually lied to her " I said

"well you tried talking and explaining it to her but obviously words don't work on her  so just show her your truly sorry" she said putting my plate in front of me and sitting down

"how can I do that though when she won't even give me the time" I said

"when she needs someone at her absolute most be there for her and you'll know when the time is right" she said

"you know your kinda smart" I said

"kinda?? Boy stop playing with me I will put your food right back in the pot" she said

"ight I'm done playing " I said starting to eat my food

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