Chapter 2

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Everyone assumed that I was still blacked out but I was awake the whole time listening to them argue about everything

I was trying hard to process the can't feel my legs thing

"you should have called the doctor as soon as she woke up" I heard Ma say through the phone

"and you should be here at your best friend's hospital bed but your not" Justin said

"I have other things to get done remember" she said

"whatever man" he said then hung up

"just go see wassup with her I'll stay with her" Calvin said

I heard the door open and then closed and that's when I opened my eyes

"I'm paralyzed aren't I" I kinda whispered

"naw" he said walking towards me

"you don't have to lie to me Calvin" I said

"have I ever lied to you" he said

I shook my head no

"ok then" he said

"why can't I feel my legs then" I said

"because you where stabbed in your back and the knife broke in there" he said

" the knife is still in there" I started to panic again

"ok look if your gonna ask all these questions I need you not to panic I don't wanna see you black out again so get your breathing under control" he said

I took a deep breath calming myself down

"ok I'm good" I said

"yes the knife is still there" he said

"why they didn't take it out" I said

"because the tip of the knife is slightly inside of your spine which is causing the lost of feeling in your legs" he said

"so there just gonna leave it in there" I said as I started to tear up

"no there just trying to figure out the safest way to take it out without permanently making you paralyzed so do me a favor and stop with the seizures" he said

"ok" I said as a tear come down but I quickly wiped it away

"Layla what's the tears for" he said

"I'm sorry I just can't believe I almost died" I said starting to laugh

" and that's funny" he said

"yea because I do absolutely everything by the book, I'm practically the golden child, and I Layla Elizabeth Dots almost died" I said still laughing

" alright I think your in shock so I need you to breath again" he said

" no I'm fine it's just crazy and my little niece has been kidnapped and my best friend is avoiding me because she hates me" I said

"Layla she doesn't hate you" he said

"why not I hate me" I said

"Layla don't talk like that" he said

"no I really do I hate myself I should've died it would have been better if I just died" I said as my laughter turned into me crying

"hey it's going to be ok" he said as he got in bed with me holding me as I cried myself to sleep


It had been three days after Layla's surgery but the feeling in her legs still haven't returned yet

we was all praying for her tho well at least me and clavin was because no one knew where Ma was at

she didn't come back to the hospital since the first days Layla was here

I've been by her house but all her stuff was gone it was like she just vanished

I knew she would be moving different considering all the things that happen within one day

but she was doing dumb shit at this point like she could be somewhere dead and none of us would know

"Justinnn" I heard Layla say

"huh?" I said snapping out my thoughts

" damn you death or something" she said

"wassup" I said

"can you get me some more ice please" she said with her cup held out

"your lucky you in this hospital bed" I said going to get her some

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