Chapter 10

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Ma' Kayla
I chuckled then look right into this fuck nigga eyes

I might have been drunk but I wasn't that drunk

"because we just meet I'ma just say it once don't call me a bitch" I said starting to walk away

"then don't act like a bitch" he said I pulled out my knife from my safety pouch and cut his arm deep making him yell in pain

the yelling honestly got on my nerves

"shut up you better be luck that's all I fucking did" I said

"bitch you don't know who you fucking with" he said

I took my knife in stabbed him in his leg digging the knife into his skin not caring who was looking

"Correction you don't know who your fucking with" I said watching him in major pain

"now I hope this will teach you how to treat women because the next time I'm not gonna let you live" I said

"ok I think he gets it" Justin says but I never took my eyes off of this bum ass nigga

"Ma alright he understood that's enough" he said

I pulled my knife out of his leg then used his shirt to clean it

"your no fun" I said walking to the bar drinking out of my bottle

"Ma'Kayla its time to go now" I said

"your not my daddy so leave me alone and go be with little miss can't cook" I said and just when I said that Brianna came up to us

"what's going on here" she said

"well I was happily drinking my life away and your boy toy here is currently bothering me and now you are too" I said smiling

"you know for a drunk person you sure got a lot of to say" she said

"I got a lot to say even when I'm not drunk" I said looking her up and down

"you might wanna shut your mouth there" she said walking up on me

"and you might wanna back the hell up if you want Justin to still have an ok looking girlfriend" I said pointing my knife at her

"I'm not scared of you hoe" she said

"Hoe? Your calling me a hoe after you use to dance on a pole" I said

"what" Justin said looking at Brianna

"oops" I said walking out the club

"Ma there is glass literally in your feet" Justin said following behind me

"Justin just leave her alone you can't keep trying to help the hopeless" Brianna said

I opened my car door and grabbed my small knife that's in there and through it at her only letting it glaze her

"next time I won't miss" I said

"Justin what the fuck" Brianna screamed

"Brianna go back inside ask for some bandages while I take her home" Justin said

"wow ok cool" Brianna said going back inside the club

"just to let you know when a girl says ok cool it's not cool" I said chuckling

"Ma get in the car let's go" Justin says

"Justin I don't need you to take me home I can handle myself" I said

"Ma'Kayla get in now" he said in a way that sent chills down my spin

so I just rolled my eyes and did what I was told

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