Chapter 15

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It has been three damn days since Justin left me at my uncle and Layla's house and I was over the shit

I still haven't said anything to Layla so it was like I was always tip toeing from room to room.

The only time that I could eat dinner was two in the morning and if I want breakfast I gotta wake up before Layla and she be up at like seven anit nobody got time to be up that early

I was laying down when I heard a loud bang

"CALVIN" I heard Layla scream

I jumped up to see what was going on

Layla was in the shower so I lightly knocked on the door

"ummm you ok" I said nervously

"can you just tell Calvin to come here please" she said 

I went looking around the house for Calvin but he just wasn't here

"la he's not here right now do you need help with something " I said

"nope not from you i don't" she said

I started to walk away but then I heard her sound like she was in pain

"umm Layla I'm coming in ok" I said opening the door she was on the bathroom floor

"what happened" I said

"well if you were actually out here being a best friend you would know that I am learning how to walk again" she said

"I'm aware" I said turning off the shower water

"Can you just hand me my towel I think I can manage the rest" she said

"I can most definitely give you the towel but I'ma gonna help you out of here too" I said and that's exactly what I did

she did refuse at first but after five minutes she finally let me help her

"Anything else I can do for you" Ma asked

"Nope if I need anything else I'll just wait until Calvin gets here" I said

Ma shook her head and turned starting to walk out the door but stopped in the middle of the door frame

"is there a reason your still here" I said

she turn around facing me and opened her mouth to speak but no words came out

"if there's something you would like to say to me your gonna have to use actual words because I'm not a mind reader" I said

"Layla I'm sorry I wasn't there for you I feel like the worst person on earth but you have to understand that I was going through a lot at the time" she said

"you was going through a lot huh" I said chuckling

"Layla please" she said

"don't Layla please me I was stabbed and left to bleed out, I was in the fucking hospital fighting for my damn life and when I thought it was all over I woke up to find out my niece was missing and that I could no longer walk again everyone was there for me but the one person I really needed was you and you was nowhere to be found" I said

"and I know and I'm-" she started but I cut her off 

" Ma'Kayla you don't fucking know, my ex nigga came to see me before my best fucking friend and i understand that your child went missing and it felt like your world stopped and it was like you couldn't breathe anymore and I know that's how you felt cause I felt that shi to but I felt like it was my fault because I was to weak to fight them off.

for months I blamed myself for that little girl being taken I went through hell and back and you was not there for me Ma'Kayla" I said crying

"Layla I am truly sorry i never wanted you to feel like any of this was your fault because it's not ok. you are and will always be the strongest person I know I mean look at you not to many paralyzed people can say they can walk again" she said

I chuckled "yeah you right about that"

"la I was a terrible friend ok I just didn't know how to deal with what was going on and I really did want to check up on you but as the days went by I just couldn't do that to you" she said

"I understand Ma but this doesn't make up for what you did" I said

"I know and I'm going to work really hard to get your trust back ok because i really am sorry Layla" she said

I nodded my head and she began to walk out the room

"hey Ma" I said

"yes" she said

"I forgive you now just like I would have done back then"

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