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When the alarm set off that morning, I felt some kind of weird desire to see what that day had in store for me. It probably was due to the fact that I had planned, the night before, to find out who the culprit of the article was, to finally shut every single rumour spreading around Devildom. I soon got up to get dressed and wear that ugly and uncomfortable uniform, to then head towards the dining room and eat breakfast like any other day. Once there, I sat at my place but only Satan and Lucifer were there, waiting for their brothers to eat breakfast regularly and together, like we usually did. <<Morning everyone!>> I said, even though we were only three people in that enormous and spacious room. I gave a look around to see if anyone else was coming but no one, apparently, had the intention of showing up. Lucifer's red flaming eyes were glued tight on my skin and it appeared he had no intention of letting a single flap of my skin uncovered by his sight. As I tried to ignore that weird feeling, I wandered around with my eyes, looking for something more interesting to look at and suddenly remembered of Satan; he was reading the newspaper which, this time, had no articles about me nor my private life. <<Should one of us... go check on everyone...? I mean, they usually are late for breakfast but today they are a bit too late...>> I said underlying that "too". I looked at the door to see if anyone was about to come in but, once again, no one was. I turned around again to look for assurance from Lucifer and, after seeing him nodding, I stood up to walk through that long corridor and finally go upstairs where the brothers' rooms were.

Once I was in the hallway, I knocked on each door to see if anyone would let me in but no one did; I stood in the middle of the place not knowing what to do as no one seemed to give me a response but soon Beel came out of his room. <<Beel! Why no one of you is coming down for breakfast? I mean, food...?!>> I said trying to catch Beel's attention but that seemed not to work. He looked around and blushed, he wasn't really good at lying and that quality of him was extremely adorable but this time it stood in the middle since I had to know what was going on. <<So? Cat bit your tongue?>> Beel grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me inside his room where everyone else was. <<Woah okay, what's going on here?>> I said looking around and noticing everyone gathered in the same room. They all shared a concerned look and then looked at me, until Belphie approached me. <<What's wrong Belphie? Are you hurt? Did something happen?>> I asked him but in response, he shook his head and sighed really loudly. <<You see... last night we, uhm... we...>> I looked at him eager to know what really happened. <<We received a video from Lucifer of you two fucking!>> Someone else said. <<Asmo!>> They all said in unison. <<What? Oh, don't blame me, someone had to say it!>> He screamed and crossed his arms like he usually did when he was mad and then pouted like a little baby. I gasped and blushed, this couldn't get any more messed up and if only Lucifer didn't send that damn video of us the night before, everything would be alright! <<I'm sorry, okay? I swear it wasn't my idea, it was Lucifer's!>> I shouted, hoping those brothers standing in front of me would believe me. Suddenly the room was covered in silence that rained like sharp knives from the ceiling. A loud sigh coming from Belphie and a complaint from Asmo echoed inside the room when something popped up in my mind. <<He didn't send it to anyone else, did he?>> My eyes widened as I thought about what I just said, hoping with all myself he didn't do that. <<He only sent it to us, you're safe.>> Satan said. He barged into the room only with his voice as he was standing on the doorway with his arms crossed and looked at us with a serious expression. I turned around to face him and so did the brothers; we now were all in the same room except for Lucifer who probably knew all along what the problem was. He was extremely clever, so no wonder he was silent earlier when we were in the dining room. I cleared my mind from those thoughts that were occupying it and went back to reality to speak. <<Okay so, how about we all forget about this and just listen to what I have to say?>> I looked around and faced every single demon inside that room but all of their expressions were just confused and seemed to be also quite embarrassed. <<I take that as a yes. Anyway, I need to find out who spread those rumours about me and... you know->> I didn't get have the time to finish my sentence as Asmodeus interrupted me. <<No, we don't darling...>> He said trying to provoke me and tease me, in front of everyone else as well. I coughed as it caught me off guard and blushed, trying to change the subject. I was just about to finish my sentence when Lucifer appeared inside the room silently and made his way into us. <<When do you think you're going to come downstairs and eat your breakfast?>> He said placing a hand on his chest like he usually did and then smiled at all of us. I could just tell that the air got way too thick and heavy by standing there with the brothers and watching Lucifer in front of us. I felt embarrassed after knowing he really did send the video of us spending the night together so I just stood there and looked away from him while Asmodeus, Satan and Levi were glaring at their older brother. No one of us dared to say a word but we all silently agreed that we would've been late to school if we didn't hurry up eating, so we went downstairs and sat down at each one's place.

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