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Seven years ago

"Eomma, appa,eonni!" I yelled
"Welcome home honey!" My dad yelled through the living room "Guess wha-" i got cut off by the door slamming open

"Okay everybody on the ground!" An anonymous man yelled as we all got on the ground

One of the man kicked me in my stomach as i coughed up blood

How could he hurt me I'm only 10 he hurt minor!? I was about to blackout then i heard a total of 4 gunshots i looked up and saw my parents shot dead and my sister almost dead


"Shut up little girl!" One of the men said putting his foot on me to stop me from moving i then heard another gunshot

I wasn't fazed for a moment but then i realized i immediately looked at eonni and saw her also dead "Boss good job she looks,hmmm like trash ahahah" the men said

"EONNIE NO!" I YELLED and took the mans foot of me with all my might and ran out of there

With no power in my body i looked back and only saw the face of they're supposed boss

I ran and ran and ran until i reached my SISTER'S best friends house
I banged on the door "HAE-YEOK EONNIE OPEN PLEASE" I Yelled the door immediately flew open revealing a worried haeyeok

"Y/N ! Why are you crying? Who made my baby cry?!" She asked "eonnie, yeo-gi and appa eomma they are gone eonnie! What do i do?!?" I yelled crying

"shh baby don't cry dont cry okay? We will find who did it and they will pay!" She said as i nodded

And blacked out
Present time

"Eonnie! Im going to school now! Make sure you eat today ill try to bring home some money so you don't have to work as hard okay?" I said

"Im only 23! Dont treat me like and old woman!" Hae-yeok said i laughed and nodded then left

Counters pov:
"We will get another counter today!" Ms.chu said "so i wont be the new one anymore?" Mun asked "no you will not" motak said "YES!" Mun yelled as we all laughed

"She is in high school to , she is a junior!" Hana said

"So i wont be the youngest either? Ha! Yall cant treat me like a baby now!" Mun yelled


Y/n pov
I was walking to school but then stopped as a felt like I just got struck by lightning

After a few seconds the feeling stopped as i fell to the ground i saw at the corner of my eye that my hair is curly

Why is my hair curly!!!!

I shook off the thoughts and went to school

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