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That is hae-yeok eonnie!

I could feel my heart shatter into pieces, "eonnie!"i yelled running to her "oh, hi ynie,where are we?" She asked me making me cry

"I-i eonnie....im s-sorry" i said crying even more "huh? Why are you sorry?" She asked me

I just hugged her crying on her shoulder "eonnie, please what happened,im sorry"i said "why are you crying?you haven't cried i since 7 years ago" She said me

I shook my head no but why "EONNIE!im sorry i couldn't protect you" i said crying

Hana pov
Car situation

"She hasn't woke yet?" Ms.chu asked me "No..." I said looking over to her

Wait is she........ crying?

"Yn?" I called out for her "whats wrong" mun asked me "shes crying..." I said "huh?oh, its probably because it was her first time summoning someone,shes probably sad because of all the dead souls" mun said i nodded

I know thats not why shes crying

She suddenly woke up
That startled me "oh y/n your awake!" Ms chu said "motak stop the car please" y/n said softly "huh? Why?" Motak asked "please...just stop the car i beg of you" y/n said even softer

"I- okay" motak said stopping the car then y/n ran out "wait
y/n!"i said running after her

"GIRLS YALL CANT JUS-" Motaks voice faded as i kept running for her

Damnit why is she so fast

I followed her all the way to her house

Did she not notice me yet?

I followed her into her house still without her noticing me she then fell to her knees and started to cry

"Y/n!" I yelled running to her she seemed startled as she probably didn't know i was following her "h-hana?" She said "why are you crying?!" I said wiping her tears away "hana...shes gone, what am i going to do without her!?" She said hugging me crying even more

"Who are you talking about?"
I asked her "h-haeyeok eo-eonnie"

Haeyeok? "It will be okay dont worry" i said patting her back "o-okay" she said sobbing "Here i will make you some food!" I said walking to the kitchen and getting instant ramen



"Here" i said giving her the ramen "thank you unnie"
She said "so how did hae-yeok die?" I asked "by that evil spirit i caught" she said as i nodded

"Hey unnie?" She said "yeah?" I replied"can you stay with me tonight we can watch movies and eat food! That'll help me cheer up some!"
She said smiling

Her smile is so beautiful
"Yeah of course!" I said


Its been a few hours my guess is that its probably 5am?
I was lost in my thoughts but immediately snapped back to reality as y/ns head suddenly fell on my shoulder as i was startled i accidentally read her memories

-_- --------------------________________ -_-

Y/ns memorys

*Gun shot* "NO EONNIE"

"eonnie! Why did you do that! Yah you scared me"

"Appa I don't wanna eat!"

"Hmm okay , but if you don't eat then in the middle of the night the veggie monster will come and eat all your candy then there will only be vegetables left and if you dont eat them you will starve!"

"I dont wanna starve though "
"Then eat"
"Ok appa!"
*More laughing*

"Eomma come look!haha"

"I did appas make up! And look i gave him pigtails!"

"Oh your dad looks amazing!"
"Right "
"But its your turn we will turn you into a boy you will have a mustache and a beard!"
"What? No"
*Running and laughing*



"Poor y/n"


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