how?(different realms)

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Y/n pov
"Recently y/n has had, bad thoughts"

I looked down, disappointed in myself

"Which means...., she will be discarded from her spot as a counter."

"WHAT?" Hana exclaimed
"No, I swear I just thought it, I didn't don't I swear," I said

"Yeah, we need her. She's one of the strongest newbies we've had. We can't let her go just like this," Mun said

"We are truly sorry, but we have to let her go, Man-yoo, please let her go."

"But she just thought it she didn't do it, she just lost control of her power, she really won't do it again!" Manu said."


I and Manu locked eyes. He had sadness
In his eyes. I nodded my head in assurance, and That'll be okay as I started to cry

He signed and continued
As I felt like I got struck by lightning again, but this time it felt way worse.
Like I was dying.

Mun pov
"Y/n!," I yelled, catching her before she fell to the ground

We came out of Yung and saw her lying there

I looked at her with sadness. In my eyes, I looked at everyone as they were all crying. "We have to erase her memory," Hana said, easing her memory

I drove her home

Y/n pov
I woke up and yawned. "Hm, what time is it? OH, CRAP IM LATE FOR SCHOOL." I quickly got dressed and went to school

After school ...

"Y/nn, I'm craving noodles. Let's go get some," Hyun-ka said
"Hyun-ka, you're not even my friend. Why do you always cling to me now?" I asked, "I stopped bullying you, so we should be friends now!" She exclaimed. I sighed."Fine, where do you wanna eat?" I asked, "Hmm, Eonii's noodles!" She said "Okay" I replied

We entered the building and sat down
One of the workers came to us and stopped as he looked shocked, I don't know why, but my heart shattered into pieces, "we'd like some
glass noodles please" Hyun-ka said to him as he nodded and ran to the back

"By the way y/n, when did you start curling your hair?" Hyun-ka asked me

"I tried to straighten it this morning but it just stayed like that" I replied

I suddenly heard the workers shouting "Sorry guys we have to shut down for today." They said all of their eyes on me.
They were wearing red jumpsuits?

Of course, my curiosity killed me and  I went running after them, even though I was usually really fast I felt faster than usual as I caught up to them they were out of the car already

I followed the screaming and yelling
And when I tell you my heart was scorching as I saw all the workers on the ground yelling in pain except one and he looked like he was about to give out any second also, wait is he using psychokinesis?.... he was thrown back, but got up as if nothing happened.  My safety Instincts were to help him, so I ran up beside him putting my fist up as I smiled at him, he was shocked at first but smiled back  quickly I saw lights coming from the ground I was amazed

The bad guy came running at us as we threw our hands up me kicking him and the worker punching him 

More bad guys came put at least 15 of them, I braced myself for the worst, but today I won't go home crying.

"I don't know who you are, but I will fight with you until the end," I said to the worker

"Now let's go get them"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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