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"ow! that hurt" i yelled getting my head smacked against the wall i thought this bullying was over

"You bish how could you turn us in to the principal we almost got suspended!" Hyuk-na said
As he was about to punch me i flinched

I then realized he hasn't punched me yet, i turned my head to see why he didn't punch me yet

I then realized that someone stopped him from punching me i turned my head to look who did

I haven't seen him before why is he saving me from getting punched "isn't it rude to hit girls?" The guy said

"Who are you to stop me?!?" Hyuk-na yelled "i- uhm b-boss thats so m-mun he beat up 17 bully's before" hyunjae said"mun?!!" Hyuk-na yelled

"yes!" Haruno said "oh im sorry mun she just made me mad I'm so so sorry we will leave now!' hyuk-na said running away same with the other 2

"Oh i- thank you" i said "of course! Can you come with me?" He asked me i nodded and followed him to a noodle store?

Wait! Why did i follow a stranger in the first place ugh im so stupid i went in after him
"Oh you must be choi y/n!you can call me ms.chu!" She said "oh yes ma'am hi!" I said smiling

"This is motak,mun,and hana" ms.chu said i bowed to all of them "uhm why did i come here?" I asked
"You had a dream earlier right?" Hana asked

I was thinking for a moment then i remembered


I was getting a little tired from studying at the library the classes won't start for another like 32 minutes so i just layed my head down and fell asleep

I was sitting down at the park then i felt someone touch my shoulder i flinched and immediately looked behind me

"Hi im man-yoo" he said reaching his hand out i took it and he helped me up"you must be y/n?" He said "y- yes i  where am i may i ask?" I asked
"Your in yung" he said

I then woke up

"What was that?!" I said

Present time
"Oh yes i did!" I replied to her "okay!sit down" ms.chu said as i sat down "can you go to yung now?" Ms.chu said "yung?ive been there in my dream! do i have to go back yo sleep then?" I asked

"no no just place this hand over your heart and close your eyes for 3 seconds" ms.chu said taking one of my hand i then realized the there were dots on all my fingers

I tried to rub them off but they didn't come off "they won't come off,now go to yung" hana said

i nodded and
Put the hand ms.chu told me to over my heart then closed my eyes "1,2......3" i counted then passed out

"Am i at yung?" I asked myself looking at all the white things around me "yes you are" someone said behind me I looked behind me and saw a familiar man

(Without the mask)
"manu?" I asked

He laughed "man-yoo" he corrected me "ma-manu?" I said trying to pronounce his name "you can call me that if you want " he said
I nodded

"So i have a choice to become a counter?" I asked manu
"Yes!" He replied"okay! Will be one" i said he looked shock for a second

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