03(Happiness Will Always Be Ruined)

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Y/n pov

i woke up with hana still by my side

She was asleep and i couldn't help but admire her ,she woke up and caught me staring
She smiled at me as i was still admiring her
She waved her hand in my face,i snapped back to reality
"Sorry" i apologized to her
"No you're perfectly fine"

'At the noodle shop '

Me and hana walked into the noodle shop 

"Im, really sorry,mo-tak" i said as softly as i could looking down
I then looked at hana whose hand is on my waist
"We really are sorry ,she just was having a bad time,she even skipped school to come here and apologize!" Hana said
Mo-tak sighed "its fine but, we will have you train with mun again today"he said "okay" i replied

Later that day

"You ready?" Mun asked me

" i was born ready!" I replied to him

As he started to throw hits , i started an atempt to dodge those hits ,i then started to throw hits,i hit him one good time as i thought he'd would be able to block that hit

He couldn't
I gasped and immediately apologized "MUN IM SO SORRY I THOUGHT YOU COULD BLOCK THAT" i said staring at the lip I busted
He didn't seem fazed as he just stood there and stared at me in amusement

I grabbed a first aid kit and took out some padding and patted his lip
And he was still standing there looking me and my eyes with a slight smile on his face

He took my hand down from his face "you did a great job today,don't worry about this small wound ill be fine" he said with the same slight smile but more of a smirk kind this time
"I-I ,Okay!thank you ,ill go upstairs now" i said running upstairs

"Oh hi y/n!" Ms.chu said
"H-" be before i could reply i got cut off

"WE STEPPED ON ONE" Hana said "COME ON GUYS" mun said ,as we all started to run to the car

As we arrived at the place we all spreaded out and scanned the area

As i went inside looking for the spirit,once i stepped foot in there i fell tk the ground feeling dizzy
As things start flashing on my mind ,i was wondering what it was,it wasn't memories because it's like it happened in the future

It was MUN ,mun was getting hurt along with the others! Without even thinking i gathered all my strength and got up still feeling dizzy i ran torwads the others

I looked at the other on the ground with blood coming from everywhere
I looked at the spirit and made eye contact i then relized the territory spawned around us ,i looked at mun thinking he spawned it but he was blacked out 

My eyes widened relizing i was the one to spawn it

I have to fight this spirit off by myself again ,before i could get a chance to move he came charging at me I quickly dodge his hit and charge at him ,kicking him back and he flew to the gate,i wanted to go over there but i didn't want to leave the territory and become weak

Fuck it
I ran full speed kicking him again,he pushed me back ,but not with his hands,with some type of force

I fell to the ground crying in pain as im pretty sure i broke something

He charged at me again but this time i was the one to throw him back

And not with my hands.....

To be continued

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