Part 4(the suprises that will come)

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Y/n pov

As I pushed him back,i quickly looked at my hands in suprise

I then looked back at the spirit, and he jumped across the big wall

I looked at the others on the floor it was either leave them here or fight the spirit

If i leave them here with the territory, they could gather their power and follow me after

I looked at the gate and then the wall the gates farther away but easier to jump and well the wall was probably impossible for me to jump but he was getting away

I jumped with all the power and made it across the wall i started to run Toward the spirit relizing i am very fast as i caught up to him i quickly kicked him ,he fell to the floor and passed out

I put my hand on his heart and summoned him

Once i was done ,i came back to reality i saw the other counters coming towards me ,i smiled then my smile faded as i dropped to the floor crying in pain again,the last words that i heard were"Y/n!"

I woke up, and the first thing i saw was mun looking at me , "Oh ,you're up!" He said with excitement
I smiled at him and quickly hugged him

"I thought I was going to die! I'm so glad I get to see yalls faces again," mun chuckled. "we're glad to see you to y/n,"hana said. "I defeated another spirit!"I said with excitement . "Good job !,but... how did you use telekinesis? " mun asked ."telekinesis?i-i uhm ,I don't know." They all looked confused and let me go home.

Next morning
I entered the school building and immediately got pushed to the ground by my bully. "Yah! Did you think we'd let you get away with that just because your sibling showed up?well, you thought wrong ,we won't let you get away this time." Hyun-ka said
I deathstared her not realizing my telekinesis is going into action as I started choking her with my telekinesis

I felt like ripping her throat out and throwing her body into heaven

I felt my ears ringing, and Manu was saying something."Y/N, STOP WITH THOSE THOUGHT YOU WILL BE DISCARDED FROM YOUR SPOT AS AN COUNTER." I quickly stopped and came back to reality. If wi-gen found out about this, I'd be dead.

Wi-gen then called everyone to Yung.


I went somewhere quiet and I went to Yung.
"Everyone's here, right?okay, we have something to talk to about y/n , recently, she had an urge to kill." I looked at Manu, and he looked down and mouthed. I'm sorry


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