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Federal Capital Territory,
Abuja, Nigeria.

In a tremendous cream-coloured dining room sat three people, one middle-aged man, a medieval lady and a young girl. All of them were eating calmly, as though they were a perfectly happy family.

The man sitting on the head chair is none other than Engr Muhammad Babangida, the renowned business tycoon with captivating looks and an obsidian heart. He owns many cement factories across the nation, a construction company that is responsible for most of the standard roads within and outside the Federal Capital Territory and even the Abuja-Kaduna expressway.

The medieval lady is Dr Dalila Tahir Pantami, the engineer's wife. She is a dermatologist and even has a hospital specialising in that aspect of medicine. The woman has beautiful looks, from her smooth fair skin, long nose, and small pink lips. Her big, sharp grey eyes inherited from her Korean mother and slightly bushy eyebrows from her late Nigerian father made her look completely different from others.

The girl, seventeen-year-old Sumaira Muhammad Babangida is a combination of both parents in terms of looks, with her mother's kind long, straight raven hair and soft locks, Korean-like grey orbs, long eyelashes, a straight nose like her father's and heart-shaped pink lips.

Her guileless beauty makes her look like a doll when she's at a standstill, this rare beauty is her father's bragging toy, because of her, he has successfully signed billion-dollar deals in the past and many others that are awaiting him.

"Your son will be coming back in the next three months, make sure you tell him to adhere to my rules, if he remains stubborn, I'll show him where he belongs," The man coldly ordered.

"It's his life, I can't force my child to do something he doesn't want," She calmly retorted and expected the worst to happen, it shocked her to the core that it never did. Even though she was happy that her son is coming back to them after five years, she knew that things would be disastrous the moment he steps a foot inside that wrecked mansion.

Five years ago, Engr Muhammad Babangida sent his son abroad to study civil engineering and business in preparation for being his successor. He did study that, however, after he finished the four-year duration, he downright told his father that he won't take over any company.

He had been controlling his life, but not anymore. Because of that, the son and father severed all ties with each other, the latter was so furious that he obstructed all his means to return home, he has been there for an extra year without a single penny from his father. They only communicate with each other with the help of Skype or other platforms.

When she looked to the side, her emotionless face switched to that of concern and horror. For the first time in her entire life, someone barricaded the slap that was about to land on her face. That person was none other than her abated daughter. The mother has always taught them never to go against their father no matter what the situation might be, she takes all the blame for her children and sometimes watches as he beats them like slaves but that day, she felt proud.

"Mr Babangida, no matter how many mistakes you have made in life, don't you dare mess with my mother again," She twisted his fingers until they were about to crack before releasing them.

"How dare you?" He was so angry and hurt, when did the little brat become so powerful? She would have broken his fingers if she wanted to but she refrained to avoid getting scolded by her mother. Not because he was her father.

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