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In the living room at the Grema mansion, all the family members assembled. The children occupied the enormous carpet while the parents balanced on the couches. Even though the place was pin-drop silent, the piercing glares focused on a certain someone were enough to cause him a headache.

"Come on Mom. I told you that it wasn't intentional. I just had to do it," Maheer ran his hand through his hair for the umpteenth time. All he sought at that time was a good nap and not his mother's harangue.

"I was heading to class but I had to return because of you, Brother," Iqra, his cousin, pouted her lips, a cute frown adorning his face. The look he sent her way made her shudder even though his eyes were shielded, the gust of cold air that blew past shut her up.

"So... Tell us. Who was it?" His father asked and leisurely leaned back on the couch.

"Who was what?" a confused Rahim chirped in.

"Even though we all knew he would take over, it was a little weird that he made us complete all the processes in only five hours. Knowing Brother, he tends to be capricious most of the time but he wouldn't burden me with such a huge task without a valid reason. Simply put, desperate times call for desperate measures and he had no other choice," Saif brainstormed, not knowing that he just voiced out not only his thoughts but also the people who were present at the meeting.

"Always the brainiac, that's truly great," Maheer released a faint smile and gave a thumbs up to his brother who understood the assignment even before he was informed.

If not for Saif's quick wit that bailed Maheer out, the guy wouldn't have known how to elucidate. He has a big problem explaining things to people and the younger brother was left to clear the mess instead.

"Then tell us who compelled you to do that! It's like the person doesn't know who they are dealing with," The hot-headed Malika fired.

"Calm down, Aunty M. Your beautiful face will be covered with acne when you stress yourself and nobody wants that. I wasn't compelled, okay?" Maheer whispered and stood up then rounded the couch and massaged the woman's shoulders. She smiled in response.

"Then tell us exactly what is going on!" Akram spoke, agitated.

"Dear uncle, if I tell you, the plan will get ruined even before the beginning of its implementation," Maheer facepalmed.

"All of you should allow this boy to breathe. He has never failed us, I'm sure he won't do so this time. If he doesn't want to disclose it, then respect his decision!" Jidda, Akram's wife and the rational one among the elders spoke.

"Exactly, Aunt! That's why I love you," His lips broke into a huge smile as he said that, knowing that the woman would also root for him.

"Maheer Abdullahi Grema, come here," His mother spoke with eyes narrowed into slits. She was giving him the glare of a typical African mother and it didn't require a genius to figure out what would happen after.

"Wifey—" The architect lowered his voice in attempt to calm his wife down but much to his dismay, it was a futile one.

"If I call your name one more time..." She trailed off and reached for one of the flip-flops she was wearing.

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