Imagine (Chloe Lukasiak)

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Prompt: Chloe, Nia, and Maddie are hangin out at a local cafe shop, when you walk in for your shift. 


You sighed as you packed up your duffel bag and tossed it in the backseat of your car. Slowly making your way out of the quite famous dance studio, and made your way over to the local coffee shop, AKA the place you work at. It was a small part of Pensilvania, everyone knew each other, and everything was friendly and sweet. You loved it here, especially the weather. 

You parked your car in the backside of the shop and walked in through the front doors. Your duffel bag in hand. Your co-worker smiled as soon as she saw you. 

"Hey, Y/n/n," she said sweetly, you smiled at her and walked to the counter, leaning over to give her a hug. 

"Hey, I'll be right back, I'm gonna go change" you said as you walked to the back. Unaware of the three sets of eyes that follow your figure. 

"Is that just me or was that Y/n?" Maddie asked the two other girls with a frown. 

"I think so yeah," Nia said, Chloe went quiet as a blush crept up her neck. Maddie looked at her and smiled. "Wait did her bag say ALDC?" the girl asked. Chloe nodded her head. 

"Yeah," both girls frowned at her response, confused as to how she knew this since the bag was covered by the hoodie that hung on it. 

"How did you see that?" Nia asked. 

"I didn't, I might've reached out to her a couple of months ago," Chloe said shyly, Maddie smiled when she noticed that Chloe started to blush.

"Awww, Chloe, do you still have a crush on her?" Maddie asked, Chloe blushed even harder. during their High School years, Chloe developed a crush on the Cheer Captain/dance teammate. Although she never gained enough courage to tell the girl, everyone knew about her 'small' crush, everyone except said girl. So Chloe decided to gain some courage and reached out to the pretty girl, knowing she would be back home for some time. 

"Shut up guys, she's coming back," Chloe muttered. You walked back in with a smile on your face, your bag in your hand, you walked behind the counter and tossed the bag in the office. 

"Where's Mari?" you asked Sheila, your friend, she looked up from the computer and met your eyes. 

"She had to leave early today, she forgot Lexie's game was tonight," Sheila said, going back to her computer, she pointed to the group of girls that sat at a table in a far corner of the shop. "I haven't taken their order yet, so could you?" she asked you, you smiled and nodded, heading out of the counter and towards the table. 

"Oh, Y/n!" a middle aged woman said as you walked by her table, she smiled when she saw your face, standing up and giving you a hug.

"Oh my, Mrs. Finch!" you let out a laugh as the woman hugged you. 

"Oh, honey we miss you at the church! We are surely needing that wonderful voice of yours back in there!" she said sweetly, you let out a chuckled and nodded.

"I'm trying to get back! But you know Abby, that woman does not want to let me go! Especially with competition season being back! but I'll make sure to drop by next Sunday for sure!" you said with a cheery voice. Chloe watched with hearts on her eyes, while Maddie frowned, she never took you as the church person, while Nia tried not to laugh at the woman trying to persuade you into going to church again. Sheila watched fro the counter, she saw how Chloe looked at you, she smiled, taking her phone out and texting Mari, letting her know the bet was back on. During your senior year, Mari and Sheila made a bet, Mari sided with Chloe not ever telling you about her crush, while Sheila sided on Chloe telling you and both of you dating. For 50 bucks. 

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