Ch 7: Vikings

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After the following night Naruto, gobbler, styx and Robinson were off on a hunting trip to explore a new land that he discovered while flying Ariel so he decided to check it while bringing some friends. "Oh God how much longer..." "man I never knew dwarves get sea sick." Gobbler rush over to the side to throw up while styx was laughing as Robinson roll his eye as he walks over to Naruto who was sailing the ship.

" Gobbler rush over to the side to throw up while styx was laughing as Robinson roll his eye as he walks over to Naruto who was sailing the ship

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"Its a beauty isn't she." "Yes indeed but I must ask why did you bring me along." Naruto smiles as he looks over the sea. "Because from I heard in excellent Archer which we can use for hunting plus I need someone with common sense to talk to." As they sail Ariel flew above the summer before flying into the sky disappearing from sight.

Soon they got to land as gobbler jump off before throwing up as they dock Naruto smell the air picking up something immediately he ran towards getting the others confused as they follow...well most gobbler was having trouble to catchup but was extremely weak. "Hold on *huff* wait up *huff* God I need it exercise more."

Naruto continues to followed the smell until he got to a cave where he saw a girl his age injured with a massive gash on a side. 'Oh no' He can sense her life force was fading fast quickly picking her up recently heard a growling he looked to see a large bear walking towards. "Oh boy."

The bear roar as it started running towards him when a arrow fly into its eye making it roar in pain as Naruto look to see Robinson grab another arrow as styx ran in and jumping in its back stabbing it as it try to shake him off as more arrows cam...

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The bear roar as it started running towards him when a arrow fly into its eye making it roar in pain as Naruto look to see Robinson grab another arrow as styx ran in and jumping in its back stabbing it as it try to shake him off as more arrows came flying towards it hitting it. Soon gobbler got their Naruto hand over the girl before he rushing towards the bear change transform into a nine Tails.

 Soon gobbler got their Naruto hand over the girl before he rushing towards the bear change transform into a nine Tails

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