Chapter 13: Fireworks 🎇

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We find Naruto setting up some tables as jaune walks over with some plates. "Looking great, we will be done soon brother."

"Indeed now we just have to wait for izuku to return with the stuff to make Fireworks." Jaune gave a worried expression. "Jaune I know that look and I'm worried too but we must believe in Izuku."

Jaune sighs. "I guess but we never left him alone to go do something like this."

With izuku

Izuku was running through a dark oak forest until arriving at a village filled with many monsters as they were doing their own thing as Izuku walked in looking around before spotting a girl. "Koopa!"

"Izu~" The two ran to each other and hugged as izuku spoke

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"Izu~" The two ran to each other and hugged as izuku spoke. "It's been so long since we last saw each other." "Yeah it had, come on let's get something to eat."

Izuku nodded his head as they went into the village finding a place to eat where Izuku started telling koopa about what's been happening to say koopa was shocked was an understatement.

"Wow so you're a Lord to a kingdom that's nice." "Yep, along with many new friends, family and so much more." Koopa smiles happily knowing her friend was having a great life.

"Well I'm glad you're not with them anymore." Izuku nodded as he took a bit out of his sandwich. "Anyways I need some help." "With what?"

Izuku pulls out a list. "I need some items to create some beautiful fireworks, for the Kingdom is having a firework show for 4th of July and I was given the task to gather the items."

Koopa smiles. "Well I can help with that." Once they paid koopa took izuku around getting the stuff he needed for the fireworks.

Back with the kingdom

Jaune and Naruto had just finished setting up everything as lepore walked over. "The food is almost ready, however we are still waiting for the fireworks to be made."

Naruto looks over to jaune. "Izuku isn't back." "No, maybe we should go see if he's alright." Naruto agrees as he calls Ariel. "I'll go find him while you stay here."

"Very well, be careful." Naruto nods before taking off.

With Izuku

Izuku and Koopa were making their way back to the entrance. "I got everything I needed thanks koopa you're a good friend." "It was nothing, say, remember how we met."

Izuku smiles. "Yeah it was like yesterday."


We find a young Izuku wandering in the woods looking for a place to sleep because he was locked out. "Man, it's so beautiful out here."

As he made his way he heard someone in trouble so he ran over to see some wolf's trying to get at something in a log so Izuku ran in.

The wolfs turned to him growling but Izuku screamed back at him showing he wasn't afraid which got the wolf's to back down as they ran off as Izuku looked inside to find a girl in green.

"It's alright, mean doggy's are gone." The girl looked up to Izuku before slowly walking out. "My name is Izuku, what's your?" The girl blushed a bit. "My koopa."

"Well koopa I think we're going to be the bestest friends." Koopa smiles softly. "Yeah I think so too."

End flashback

"Yeah that was nice." Suddenly the ground shook, getting everyone's attention as Izuku looked over to the woods to see several large figures approaching. "Uh oh.."

The large figures revealed themselves to be large golems.

The people all scream as the golems start destroying the villages as izuku hands the stuff to koopa

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The people all scream as the golems start destroying the villages as izuku hands the stuff to koopa. "quick you get everyone to safety I'll deal with them."

"Are you sure?" Izuku turns to her and smiles.

"Are you sure?" Izuku turns to her and smiles

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"Of course, trust me best friend." Koopa smiles as she runs off getting people to safety as Izuku cracks his knuckles. "Now who wants to die."

With Naruto

Naruto was looking for any sign of his brother. "Come on izuku, where are you?" He looks up to see a golem flying right towards him. "Oh shit!" Quickly he and Ariel dodged it as Naruto looked where it came from to see izuku taking down many golems.

"Oh wow he's kicking ass." He landed down as he ran into the fight. "Hey Naruto." "Izuku I've been searching for you, jaune and I were so worried."

Naruto avoided a golem fist before jumping on its arm, running on top of its head and smashing its head with the palm of his hand. "Sorry I was catching up with a friend."

Izuku caught a golem arm and threw it over him smashing it into the ground then tore its arm off and started using it to smack other golems away. "I got the items that are needed."

Soon a few remaining golems fled as the rest were destroyed as the brothers cheer in victory as the monsters return as koopa smiles.

Rebuilding later

After fixing up the village izuku was talking to koopa. "You should come to the show." Koopa gave a smile. "You know I would love that."

Naruto got on Ariel calling the two. "Come on you two, we need to get back before it gets dark." The two quickly hop on to leave to return back to the kingdom of the free where their brother jaune was waiting by the gates.

"Oh thanks blood God, your back what happened?" Naruto started to explain what happened which got jaune very concerned. "Redstone golems, we need to look into that but later we got some fireworks to make."

Izuku smiles excitedly. "Oh yeah! Let's go koopa." Koopa cheered as the two ran off as jaune looked at Naruto. "Don't ask."


The people of the Kingdom gather as the fireworks were light and went off as all  glaze upon the beautiful lights in the sky as izuku and koopa smiled as they watched the show.

Jaune and Naruto both give a smile as they join their family and people as the show continues through the night.

Happy 4th of July everyone.

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