Chapter 12: The cold season

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Throughout the entire kingdom was covered in snow and ice as the brothers were helping the people warm up with a large bonfire however it wasn't doing much. "Alright, that should help keep the fire going for a while."

Jaune turned back to Izuku who was passing out sweaters, scarves and hats to the people as the gates opened revealing Naruto along with a few knights coming back with some cut down trees. "Brothers a word."

The three inside the castle where Naruto started talking. "I'm afraid that the cold is getting worse by the second we are already running out of trees to cut, the crops are dying and our people are getting sick."

"You're right but what can we do this cold season is not going to stop?" Suddenly izuku spoke up. "Maybe ice man can help." The two look at their brother confused. "Ice man?"

Izuku nodded. "Yeah ice man he lives on the outside of the Kingdom in a snowy landscape by some mountain." Still confused jaune ask. "How can ice man help?" "Just follow me."

45 hours walk later

"God how far until we get their!" Soon they stop as izuku turns to his brothers. "We here."


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"Woah." Izuku lead them to a large cave where they walk in spotting a light as the went towards it finding a older man standing before them. "Hey ice man."

"Izuku it's good to hear you and I assume you brought your brothers

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"Izuku it's good to hear you and I assume you brought your brothers." Jaune and Naruto look at each other as izuku sits down as Ice man sits down as well. "Well let's start with names. I am Isfrid the ice mage but iceman for short, anyways I believe you came for something."

Jaune spoke up. "Well you see our kingdom is suffering from an early cold season we're low on wood for our fires, food is nearly gone and our people are getting sick so please is there anyway to help us."

Isfrid sighs. "No, I'm afraid my magic doesn't work on mother nature. I'm sorry to disappoint you." The brothers were saddened when izuku suddenly yelped as he reached behind and pulled out an icicle. "I forgot I had this in my back pocket."

"How long have you had that?" Naruto asks. "About this morning I pulled it off the wall and wanted to show you guys." Isfrid's eyes widened.

"Izuku may I see that." Izuku handed it over as Isfrid was touching it before looking at the brothers. "I believe I know what's going on for the cold season you're experiencing isn't natural." He gets up as he flips open a book feeling around before speaking.

"As I thought you have a frost beast, a creature thought to be dead but is alive." The brothers were shocked. "So that explains a lot about how we find it and kill it." Isfrid turns to them.

"Simple I'll lead you to it and to kill it you must got for the head that's is where all the magic is." The four left heading back to the castle finding it nearly frozen in ice immediately they rushed inside to find the people inside the dwarfs mines but the entrance was frozen close.

"Alright where is this frozen fuck!" Suddenly they heard a roar approve them so they looked up to find the frost beast jumping down towards them as they got out of the way.

"Alright where is this frozen fuck!" Suddenly they heard a roar approve them so they looked up to find the frost beast jumping down towards them as they got out of the way

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"It looks mad.. let's kick it ass." Izuku said as they ran towards it however it let out a powerful ice roar freezing them in place as they tried breaking free but the ice was two strong. As the ice beast got close Isfrid shot an ice spike stabbing its arm making it move back as finally the brothers broke free.

"Sweet father, that's cold even with our warm clothes under our armor." The frost beast pulled the ice spike out and ran towards the brothers but Isfrid created an ice ramp which izuku immediately knew what to do.

"It's sledding time!" Izuku pulls out a sled and gets a running start before rushing towards the ramp then jumping onto the sled as jaune and Naruto goes over to the frost beast jumping onto its arm.

This got the creature's attention when it looked up to izuku who smashed right through the creature's head and the ice as the frost beast body fell as the sky was slowly clearing up.

Soon the cold was slowly disappearing as Isfrid smiled. "Let's clear up the mess." With a wave of his staff all the ice and snow was gone as the brothers smiled as the people were overjoyed. "Well it's time to go home."

However, Izuku stops him. "Wait, iceman why not live here there's plenty of space and we can always use your magic and stuff." Isfrid looks at Izuku brothers.

"He's right, we could always use an ice mage." "Plus it's been so far away." Isfrid smiles. "That would be wonderful if you know how to make a blind mage happy."

Hours later

Izuku had finished setting up,.Isfrid new house, which was a nice snow house which had ice furniture inside. "All done." Isfrid walked inside feeling around as he looked towards izuku. "This is wonderful, thank you my friend."

"No problem, iceman."

Soon the kingdom is back to normal as Jaune looks out over the walls as Naruto joins him. "Looks like everything is normal." Jaune nodded as he continued staring out which got Naruto worried. "Is something wrong?"

"It's.. well I have a feeling something is coming that will threaten our home and I don't know what it is." Naruto was shocked. "Jaune, do you think it's them?" Jaune shook his head.

"No it's something else, but now that you mention it I haven't heard a word about them. In fact I sent a scout to check on them and reported back that they are still searching but in the wrong place so we're good for now."

The two look back to their kingdom as izuku was throwing some snowballs from some leftover snow. "Let's hope they don't come any time soon."

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