Izuku yagi born quirkless
Jaune arc born weak
naruto Uzumaki born with a demon
neglected, abused and see weak to their once called families until they were given a chance to prove themselves to the first god Aries.
Naruto was meditating as his daughter Malden was sleeping in his lap when he heard a gurad knocking on his door. "Come in." "My lord we have received a message from a unknown person But it's for you." He gives the message to Naruto before leaving as he reads it says.
[We demand you hand over naruto Uzumaki To the exact location if we will use force to get him.]
He place his daughter in her crib before putting his armor on and headed out.
Later at night
Naruto arrived to the location as he looks around seeing no one but Kurama warning him of a incoming attack which he dodge as several ninja stars hit a tree. "Alright show yourself." Soon four women appeared out of the darkness. "Who are you four?"
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"Im Baiken leader of this group."
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"Sakura Igawa"
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"Asagi igawa."
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"Mai Shiranui we were want Naruto Uzumaki now!"
"Tell why then many I'll hand him over." Suddenly they all charge him immediately he jump into the tree but Baiken swings her blade cutting the branch he was making him jump off but Sakura appeared in front of him and kick him hard sending him crashing into the tree.
"Oh that's gonna hurt tomorrow." He look to see Asagi coming right towards him sword in hand but Naruto got out of the way before she can hit him. Naruto look to see Mai throwing fans at him which confused him but Kurama shouted. "Dodge!!"
He listened as the fans cut down many trees as Naruto got up putting out his swords. "Alright let's end this!" They ran at him swing their blades but Naruto block their attacks as this continues he swings his blades as they block it there weapons break.
"What the!" Naruto kick Baiken into Asagi as he caught Mai leg and started spinning her around before letting go sending her crashing into Sakura as he creates four clones and order them to bring the four to him and tie them up with chains he had. Once they were restrain he points his blades towards them and demanded some answers.
"Now then tell me why are you after Naruto or you will dead by my blades." The four look at each other knowing they have no choice Baiken sighs before answering. "Fine we were hired to bring him back home His parents told us that he was kidnapped, and when we heard word of a blonde boy with whiskers was spotted at the kingdom of the free we knew you have him." Naruto was surprise but also knew that one day his parents will find out he had the nine tails whole time.
"Well your right that he's at the kingdom but." Naruto removes his helmet revealing himself to them which made them shock as he continued. "I'm Naruto ares, third lord of the kingdom of the free, brother to jaune and izuku, son of Ares the god of war."
The four didn't know what to say. "And as for my parents there are nothing but liars. They neglected me for my two siblings, the village people saw me as a demon which led them attacking me. The only reason they might want me back is because I have the nine tails inside of me."
"I..I sorry we didn't know." Baiken said. "How much?" The woman were confused. "What?" "How much are they paying you Because I can give you more than what they Promise you and in return you tell them I am dead And the people who did it have been kill by you."
The four look at each other whispering before looking back and answering. "Agreed."
The next day
Naruto had ordered a box of Gold and placed it outside the wall which disappeared instantly leave it beside a note saying thank you and a lipstick on it. Naruto smirks as he head inside his back to what he was doing. "At last peace."
Suddenly their was a loud explosion which made him sighs. "Damn it.." He walk outside to the kitchen finding izuku cover in burns as black smoke filled the air. "Izuku... what did you do." "Well I got hungry so I came down to the kitchen to make me something to eat but when I turn on the shove it didn't light up so I got a match and light it which exploded."