Chapter 9

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Eddie's POV:

I am grinning as I walk into work the next day. Buck smiles at me and raises an eyebrow. "What's up with you?" Hen calls from above. I look up and find her grinning from the firetruck.

"Nothing," I say with a slight shrug.

"Your face says otherwise," Chim says. "What did you have a hot date last night or something?" Chim grins. I grin and pause as I think of Lilith

"I had dinner with Chris last night," I laugh. Chim shrugs and Buck and Hen laugh. I quickly clock in and change before jogging out. I drop onto the couch as Lilith comes in. Lilith grins at me as she comes in.

"Morning!" She calls. We all chorus it back and Lilith drops on the couch beside me. I smile at her calmly while my heart hammers in my chest. Hen raises an eyebrow at me and I shrug at her. "So anything interesting so far?" Lilith asks glancing at Buck. Buck shakes his head and Lilith sighs. "Fun," She mutters.

"Isn't that a good thing?" I ask. Lilith shrugs and looks at me.

"Not when my brain won't shut up," Lilith mutters. I raise an eyebrow and wait.

Lilith's POV:

Eddie looks at me in confusion but I stay quiet. I can't exactly tell him I spent the greater part of last night and this morning thinking about him and his kid.

I frown out towards the truck and grin when the alarm goes off. Buck shakes his head at my reaction as we climb into the truck. Bobby fills us in as we speed down the street. Four car pile up. After we arrive Bobby starts giving instructions. We manage to get everyone out until a woman comes sprinting over to me. "My son! I can't find my son! He was in the car!" I glance at Bobby who has a frown to match mine.

"Which car?" I ask with a frown. The lady points at one of the cars that are on fire. The back half of the car is engulfed in flames. "Shit!" I shout. I sprint towards the car ignoring Bobby, Hen, and Chim's shouts. Buck and Eddie look at me in confusion but both silently jog behind me. I notice that Buck has Jaws. "I need that door open," I say to Buck. My voice shakes slightly and Buck pries the door open. 

"Lilith? That gas tank is going to blow any minute," Eddie says cutting me off. 

"There is a little boy in that car Eddie. I am getting him out," I say with a glare. "So move," Eddie blinks and gets out of my way. I lean into the car and search for the kid. I paste on a grin when I find him. "Hi! I'm Lilith! Wanna get out of here?" The kid nods and I hold my arms out. He grabs my hand and I quickly pull him out. The four of us manage a few steps before the gas tank blows. I crouch and cover the kid with my body. Once I am sure we are safe I stand back up and glance at the car. It's now completely destroyed. 

"Woah! That's cool," The kid says. I glance at Buck who just shakes his head trying not to laugh. 

"Yep, awesome," I say with a grin. 

Eddie's POV:

Lilith grins at the little boy and I try to hide my smile. I catch Lilith's eye and I can clearly make out the worry that she has. The mom comes sprinting over and reaches for her son. Lilith turns around and blocks her. "He needs to be checked out first. Just to make sure that he is ok," Lilith says firmly. 

"Of course!" The mom says. Lilith carries the boy over to Chim and hands him over. She then walks toward Bobby. He shakes his head and mutters something to her. She smiles and turns back to the truck. I step towards her until Buck cuts me off accidentally. Or so I think. 

"I'd wait a bit Eds. She is still new," Buck mutters quietly. 

"Buck based on what I've seen she has to be the most prepared probie on the planet or she isn't a probie. I'm leaning on the second one. I'm also not trying to date her." Buck looks at me skeptically. I stride past him and frown when I notice that Lilith disappeared. 

"Yeah not trying to date her at all," 

"She dived into a car that was seconds away from exploding. If she is a probie then it would probably be a good idea to check on her," Buck frowns and glances at her. 

"She seemed fine," Buck says casually. I turn to him and frown as I find Hen and Lilith already talking.

"Yeah. Your right," I mutter. I turn away and frown at my disappointment. Buck looks at me skeptically but stays quiet. We all climb into the truck and I notice that Lilith is quiet. Buck as always leads the conversation but Lilith doesn't talk. I notice Bobby glance at her so this is clearly not normal. When we get back to the firehouse and get all cleaned up Lilith immediately heads to the hang-out area. I frown and slowly follow her up. She is laying on the couch silently. Her arm is covering her face and I frown. "Well you look comfortable," I say casually. Lilith jumps slightly and uncovers her face. I raise an eyebrow at her and wait. 

"I am, thanks for noticing," Lilith says sarcastically. I shake my head and she sits up with a fake glare. "Do you not believe me?" Lilith asks. 

"I believe you. However I would also like to sit down and that's the biggest couch so move," I grin and Lilith sits up. I sit on the edge so she has more space. My eyes widen in surprise when Lilith lays her head on my lap. Her arm covers her face again and I frown. "You ok?" 

"Yep!" Lilith says. Her cheerfulness drops slightly as she lays there. Everyone else comes up and Buck raises an eyebrow at me and I frown. 

"So Lilith," Chim says casually. Lilith moves her arm and looks at him waiting for his comment. "Where have you gone since you moved here?" 

"A pizza place and here," Lilith says casually. "Oh and the one bar," Chim frowns and glances outside. 

"You haven't gone to the beach?" I ask. Lilith shrugs. 

"When would I have? I got here and immediatly started working..." Lilith trails off at all of our faces. "What?" 

"When's our next day off, Bobby?" Hen asks with a grin. Bobby smiles and thinks for a second. 

"Saturday," Bobby says. "I'm thinking we could have a beach day," Lilith raises an eyebrow and glances at me. 

"Is this normal?" She asks. I nod and Lilith grins. "Perfect," I smile at her joy and open my mouth as the alarm rings again. 

The alarm is incessant for the rest of the shift and I frown as I leave. Lilith and the rest of them have another hour until they're free. Buck grins at me conspiratorially as I leave. That's reassuring. 

Lilith's POV: 

As we wrap up our last call of the shift I sigh in relief. "First hard day Probie?" Buck asks casually. I shrug since I had harder ones in Austin. "Don't worry. We're here to help," Buck grins and I roll my eyes glancing at Bobby. He's trying to hide his laughter and I sigh. 

"I'm ok, Buck thanks for the concern. But I am curious how long are you going to call me Probie?" I ask with a smirk. Buck shrugs. 

"Until you stop being one?" Buck says with a shrug. I roll my eyes and shake my head. 

"Buck... Stop calling me Probie" I say calmly. Buck nods and shrugs. 

"Got it," Buck nods and smiles uneasily. I raise an eyebrow and smile as my shift ends. I quickly change and start to leave. "Hey, Lilith!" I turn at Buck's voice and raise an eyebrow. 

"What's up?" I wait while Buck catches up. 

"I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner with us!" I look at him in confusion. 

"Who's us?" I ask with a frown. Buck frowns in confusion and then his eyes widen in understanding. 

"Oh um, Eddie and I," Buck says with a grin. "And Chris," I shrug and pause to think of my plans for the rest of the day. 

"I would but I already promised Callie that I would eat with her," I say with a frown. "Next time?" Buck frowns and shakes his head. 

"Callie could join us..." Buck says slowly. I hesitate and start with the regular questions. 

"Are you guys going out?" Buck shakes his head. "So it's just going to be you, Eddie and Chris?" Buck nods and I sigh in relief. "I'll ask Callie," I say with a frown. Callie doesn't like going out anyways.

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