Chapter 11

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Lilith's POV:

I cautiously walk down to the beach. Athena waves at me and I smile worriedly. "You ok?" Athena asks. 

"I've spent most of my life landlocked," I remind her. "I'm not exactly used to the ocean being right there," Athena laughs and we join the others. Children are running around and the adults are all chatting. Buck sees me first and he grins at me. 

"Lilith!" Buck exclaims. Everyone turns and grins at me. "Hey, glad you could make it," Buck throws his arm over my shoulder and he grins widely as he leads me to the rest of the group. Hen grins at me and moves out of the way. I tilt my head as Chris and another kid spray me with a water gun. I squeal and dart behind the nearest person. Everyone laughs and I cautiously look over the other person's shoulder. I playfully glare at Chris. 

"Do I get a water gun?" I ask. Everyone chuckles and I frown. "No? Dang," 

"Daddy c-can protect you," Chris says with a cheerful grin. I raise an eyebrow and smile. My human shield turns around and Eddie smirks at me. 

"I don't remember volunteering to be a human shield," Eddie grins and I shake my head.

"It's more of a sacrifice play rather than a volunteering thing," I grin and Eddie grins back. 

Eddie's POV: 

Chris shoots water at us again and Lilith squeals as she gets hit again. Her outfit gets soaked and she laughs. I smile at their playful banter while Lilith tries to persuade Denny to give her his water gun. She's losing the debate rather badly and Buck smirks at me mischievously. He is definitely about to do something childish. Buck grabs a water gun and turns it on us. "Buck!" I shout as he shoots. The cold water soaks through my shirt and I glare at him. "Fine. That's how you want to play?"  I grab two more water guns and toss one at Lil. She squeals in excitement and starts shooting back at the kids. I target Buck with a grin. 

"I swear you all are children," Chim mutters as he grabs a water gun. He shoots at Athena and it descends into an all-out team war. I grab Lil and pull her slightly away from the group. 

She stares at me skeptically and holds the gun at me suspiciously. "What?" 

"Team up?" I ask, Lil grins and nods. "Great," Lil smirks and we both dart toward Buck. 

"That's not fair!" Buck shouts as we shoot at him. He starts to shoot back and I grin. Chris starts shooting at Lils distracting her. Lil shoots back and they both giggle.

Once the kids get tired of shooting at us, they play in the water. Lil chuckles as the kids dart off. I hand her a beer and she nods gratefully. "So Lillith. What was it like in Texas?" Hen asks. "Did you have a boyfriend you had to leave behind that we should be worried about coming to take you away from us?" I frown at the thought and Lil shakes her head. 

"Oh god no. I was too busy in Texas to find someone to date," Lil shrugs. I smile at that and blink in confusion. Why do I care? "I did have some friends that were always trying but it never went very well," Lils shrugs again and smiles widely. Hen grins at me and I tilt my head at her in confusion. 

"Glad we don't have to worry about you getting poached," 

"Well... My friends weren't exactly happy I was leaving so they might try to poach me but other than that I think you'll be ok," Lils grins. The kids come over and Chris drags me into the water. 

We all jump into the water and play around for a couple of hours. I glance up and frown

Lillith is nervously standing on the beach staring at the water. I quickly walk up the beach with a smile. "Hey Lil, you coming in?" I ask walking up the sand. I struggle to keep my eyes on hers. She's wearing a red sundress that matches her  

"I've... Heh, I've never actually been in the ocean," Lillith rubs the back of her neck nervously. Chris comes up right behind me and grabs her hand. 

"We can go together!" Chris exclaims. "Let's go, Lily!" Chris starts to drag her towards the water and I laugh. 

"Hey, hey, hey! Hold up just a second," Lillith smiles down at Chris and he stops slowly.

"What's wrong?" Chris asks. 

"I'm still wearing my cover," Lillith grins. 

"What's a cover," She lightly grabs the edge of her dress and holds it up. 

"This. It covers my swimsuit so that I have something dry after I get out of the water," She quickly takes off the sundress. My mouth goes dry at her bikini. Shit, that's bad, she looks beautiful right now. Chris immediately grabs her hand and starts dragging her toward the water again. Lillith looks at me with wide eyes and I shrug. 

"You're doing great," I grin, I give her a thumbs up and Lillith frowns at me as she passes. 

"So helpful," She calls over her shoulder. I shrug and turn following after them. Lillith hovers nervously just outside the water and Chris finally pulls her into the water. Lillith smiles as Chris looks at her nervously. "I'm good Chris," Lillith's smile widens as the water laps over her feet. 

"Let's go!" Chris shouts. He drags her further into the water and I slowly follow after just in case Chris goes too far. We join the others and Chris stops. Lillith smiles and lightly splashes Chris. Chris laughs with a smile and splashes me. I fake a gasp and splash him back. 

"Hey!" Lil whines. "What did I do?" She splashes me right as Buck passes by. He grins at her devilishly and Lil's eyes widen. "I meant to hit Eddie!" 

"Too late," Buck runs at her and picks her up carrying her deeper into the water. Lil squeals as the water rises. 

"I didn't mean to!" Lil shouts. 

"Good point. I think Eds should drop you in the water," Buck turns to me and I smirk. 

"I agree," I stride over and grab Lil's out of Buck's grip. I pick her up, carrying her until the water is lapping against my waist. "You can swim right?" I ask. Lil wraps her arms around my neck and nods wide-eyed. "Perfect," I toss her into the water and jerk forward since she didn't let go of me. I stumble slightly but manage to balance myself. Lil pops back up a second later. She flips her now wet hair so it's slicked across her back, giving me a full view of her front. I quickly spin around and duck under the water. Did it get really warm all of a sudden? 

After a few more hours we all get hot and exhausted so we all head home. I notice Lil's get in her car a few feet away and drive off with a small smile on her face. 

A/N- I am so sorry for the long wait. College hit me with a truck, bus and a train so it took a lot longer than I was planning. I also realized that my beginning chapters are really short so I might mess with those a little bit and combine a few and rewrite some... But before I do anything I do want your guys opinions as my readers. So please let me know if you want the chapters longer or not. 

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