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Y/n's POV: 

" The scenery is stunning! " 
" Your eyes are blue as the lake right now princess! " 
I hear Miss Margarita say from afar 

There was another party held in the palace, But this time it was the guests and athy going on a boat ride 

" You should've joined Them Miss Y/n " 
I heard Sir Robane say at my left

" No, I'm fine. All the seats are taken anyways " 
I said and smiled at Sir Robane 

" You seem sad these days Miss Y/n, Is there something bothering you? "
Sir Robane said 

" Ah no, It's probably nothing. Maybe it's just because I'm tired. " 
I said to sir Robane 

" If you say so.." 
Sir Robane said so and I continued watching athy

The next 10 minutes...

The boat riding was finished and the guests and athy are off the boats 

" Miss Y/n! " 
I heard Miss margarita shout my name from behind and I turned around 

" What is it, Miss Margarita? " 

" Ijekiel said that I should give this to you. " 
Miss Margarita said and gave me an envelope 

" Oh- Thank you for handing it to me, Miss Margarita. You should be going now! " 
I said as Miss Margarita left with the other guest. 

' Huh...Friends.. ' 


The Next Day 

" Lucas, Y/n is there any way for me to stop absorbing ravens power? " 
Athy said 

" Do you think it's just a puppy because you treat it like one? "
" Give it up. It's not a ' living ' thing, it's merely  something that 'exists' "
" So don't get attached. In the end, that thing will disappear anyways. " 
Sir Lucas said which made athy throw a pillow at him. That he dogged

While I just stared at the floor

' Sir Lucas is Right, But even tho he doesn't have to say it that way. ' 
I thought but got disturbed by athy screaming- 

Athy shouted but then Lucas tripped her. 

" So ugly. " 
" But I can't leave you be. "
Sir Lucas said 

" Hey, you two. After today I won't be able to see you two this easily. " 
I heard sir Lucas say 

" I figured. it's about the world tree, isn't it? " 
I said finally taking a glance at Sir Lucas and athy 

" You finally used your brain. And yes it is about that. " 
" Take care of the princess while I'm gone y/n " 
Sir Lucas said 



'Sir Lucas is going to the world tree today as he said a few days ago
' I don't know but some gut is telling me there's gonna be something bad happening '
I thought while walking through the halls toward athy's room 

" Hello? Athy, it's me. You called me " 
I said knocking at athy's room 

"Come in! " 

" Good Afternoon, Sir Lucas, Athy. " 
I said and sat down on the couch 

" Are You really leaving today? " 
" Will it take a long time to find the world tree ?" 
I heard athy ask Lucas 

" Well I discovered its location not long ago, so I'm guessing it won't be that hard to find it again "
Sir Lucas said 

" From what you're saying you might be gone for at least months " 

" Don't Look Down on me! " 
Sir Lucas said 

" Can't you just wat my magic? " 
Athy said which made me and Sir Lucas...

. . . . . 

" You thought it was disgusting before what changed your mind? " 

" You said it's normal. Do you wanna make it hard for yourself? " 

" Are you just worried that your magic will go wild because I'm not here? " 

Sir Lucas and athy argued. 

" Hey don't speak like that! I'm worried because you're my friend! " 
Athy shouted which made Sir Lucas make a shock-ish face 

" And think about y/n! She's also probably worried! " 
Athy said 

" I think it's fine...Sir Lucas is powerful enough to handle this.." 
I said and then Sir Lucas walked closer to me. 

" You've been real quiet these months. You look uglier than the princess. " 
Sir Lucas said as he stares at me 

" I'm fine. " 
I said with a frown. 

' Caring about me isn't like him...I guess it's because he's leaving for the world tree. ' 

" Hmm. Whatever. I'll just check up on you when I go back, Bye " 
Sir Lucas said 

" B y e " 
I said and he disappeared

And then athy sat beside me and asked 

" Hey y/n, You seem really sleepy these days. Did you get enough sleep? "  

" Oh me? I've been going around the capital and buying stuff that's probably why I'm tired " 
I said answering athy's question 

" If you say so, Anyways- There's gonna be a tea party the next 2 weeks. Do you wanna join? " 
The princess asked and I formed a smile 

" My answer is the same as usual, I would gladly join! " 
I said as I smiled 


" Good Afternoon everyone it's been a while! " 
Athy said to the guest while I just smiled beside her 

" Let's go to the flower garden today " 
Athy said and everyone said yes 

' Somethings odd today. Something dangerous is in the palace. ' 
I thought as I looked at the food 

" What about you Miss Y/n do you go to festivals? " 
One of the guests asked 

" Yes I did a bunch of times around my journey, Michi took me with him. " 
I said and then smiled 

And then there was dust coming from a bush 
And there reveal Blackie! 

The guest said while they ran over behind Sir Robane while I and the princess stayed at our chairs 

" Wait a moment it's not a beast!- "

" Ah, princess! " 

. . . . 

" Blackie. " 
I shouted and then blackie stopped running. 

" Come to me. Don't make a mess. " 
I said and then blackie went and sat in front of me 

" Good. Everyone this is the princess's animal companion don't worry " 
I said while I patted blackie 

And then blackie went to the princess and they had their small reunion 

' Wait...that ribbon..it's- ' 
Before I could ask anything athy were throwing up blood 

Miss margarita said and I was running towards athy but then- 

" ATHY!- " 
And then there was a huge light that blew everyone away from athy.

I Heard one of the guest shouts while I tried to look at the huge light. 

And saw blackie hugging athy. 

I said and then created a shield to lessen the force at me.



Therefore you and I shall accept the way things go. / Lucas X Reader / WMMAPWhere stories live. Discover now