197 8 2

' -1-- ' = Thinking

" -1- " = Telepathy

" -1- " - Speaking

-1- - Pov's, time, etc. 

Y/n slowly opened her eyes and felt a sharp pain in her head and then she heard a faint voice on her side she took a glance in that direction and saw Athy with a worried expression on her face Y/n mumbled 

" Athy..." 

Tears started to form in the side of Athy's eyes and She immediately hugged Y/n
" Y/n...What happened? Are you feeling better now..? "

Y/n rubbed her eyes and blinked a few times to make her vision clearer and she mumbled
" What did happen...? I thought..." 

" Michiya saw you passed out on the ground...You've been asleep for 3 days. " 
Athy explained and Y/n nodded 

" What happened to His Majesty? Is he alright? " 
Y/n asked with a slightly worried expression 

" Daddy knows about you passing out, He has been enduring his headache these past few days." 
Athy said and Y/n sighed 

Y/n was deep in thought for a while then she heard a familiar voice she hadn't heard in a while 

" Oh? You finally woke up. " 

Y/n took a glance at where the voice came from and she saw Lucas, Her eyes widening 

" Lucas...? " 
Y/n mumbled, A surprised expression still on her face 

" Surprise, Missed me? " 
Lucas said sarcastically he got closer to the bed and he spoke once again 

" You used too much of your magic causing your body to become weak, Which made you pass out. "
Lucas explained and Y/n rolled her eyes 

" I figured. " 
Y/n muttered and she took a glance at him

" Have you eaten The Fruit of the World Tree? Your mana has increased. "
Y/n asked and Lucas scoffed 

" There was none left when I arrived, I got my mana back in another way. "
Lucas bragged and Y/n nodded then she got off the bed, Snapping her fingers to change her clothes, and spoke 

" I'm assuming Athy already explained what has happened? " 
Y/n says and Lucas nods

" Lucas helped Daddy and took away some of his pain "
Athy informed and Y/n took a glance at both of them 

" The timing of your arrival is something...But at least His Majesty isn't suffering. "
Y/n mumbled then she sighed

Lucas took a glance at Y/n's expression, Which was filled with exhaustion and frustration, Then he smirked 

" We'll talk about the details later, for now, let's catch up, shouldn't we? " 
Lucas said smiling, While Y/n frowned

" Not even a ' Welcome back '? " 
Lucas said sarcastically and Athy sighed then Y/n glared at him and then also sighed, Then finally spoke 

" Welcome back. " 

" Basically if we put all of this mess in summary, Your Majesty used Black Magic a long time ago and is now punished by a curse. Before I left only bits of magic were left, and now I'm back it's somehow this bad. And Your Magic plays a part with it." 
Lucas explained as he pointed at Athy and got comfortable on the couch 

" Curse? "
Y/n said as she tied her hair up 

" Your Magic got weaker causing you to not notice this, But you managed to lessen His Majesty's pain But you decided to overwork yourself to your max and now You are weak. While Her's got stronger and the cause of a few things." 
Lucas commented And Y/n scoffed 

" You should learn when to stop, Y/n. " 
Athy sighed, Then Y/n looked carefully into Lucas' eyes and spoke 

Therefore you and I shall accept the way things go. / Lucas X Reader / WMMAPWhere stories live. Discover now