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Back to the fateful night, Mark felt like the world crashed down on him in the worst way possible .

"Don't even dare to say something bad about him." Mark didn't care about the gun being pointed at his forehead. He glared at the man before him.

"Or else, huh? What are you gonna do?" The man pushed Mark by his throat and slammed him onto the car. A pain shot through the back of Mark's head, making him feel dizzy. The choke hold on his neck was restricting him from oxygen. His limbs were gradually turning numb.

"Doyoung! No! Leave him. We need information. You can't kill him fucker." The other guy came rushing and tried separating the two.

"Fuck off Ten. I can call whatever I want to. That little who*e killed Taeil and you think I'll leave his dumb boyfriend? Leave me the fuck alone." Doyoung tried to shrug Ten's arms off.

Mark who was almost losing his consciousness at this point, was still able to hear what Doyoung said. Was it an adrenaline rush or was it because he was badmouthing Donghyuck, Mark didn't know but he gathered up all the remaining strength in his body and balled up his fists.

Never in his twenty-three years of life, has he beat up anyone. But that night, Mark landed one punch after another on the man who was holding him. Taking advantage of a moment of carelessness, Mark was able to hold the guy down. He didn't know what arose but all he saw was red.

Doyoung tried pushing him off but it wasn't happening. Ten tried to pull Mark away but was pushed off by the said boy. A satisfied crack of bone indicated that Ten fell in a bad way which made something break in his body.

"No one says anything bad about him. Do you understand? Do YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND? HUH" The only thing that was inside Mark's mind was Donghyuck and his own safety. If it meant fighting these people with bare hands with absolutely no professional training, then be it.

A clinking sound of metal hitting the concrete below gained the attention of the three men. Doyoung's gun was on the floor now.

"Ten..what the hell are you looking at!! Grab that shit." Doyoung called Ten who was finding it hard to stand with his broken ankle. Ten also got hurt in his head from the fall which made it difficult for him to focus.

"Fuck...this guy is strong. Ten don't sit there like a fool. If you can't get up at least shoot his brains out." Doyoung grunted and tried to wrestle his way out and grab the gun when he saw that Ten was taking forever to do the job.

However, Mark beat him up to it and dragged his hand forward through the concrete, earning scratches on his hands. He rasped due to the painful grip Doyoung was casting on his back to prevent him from crawling his way out and gripping the gun.

As Mark got ahold of the gun, Doyoung pushed him off of him and scrambled his way out. He grabbed Mark's hands to pull the gun out of them. Grunts and curses of intense struggle followed. None of the men was about to give up. They were so into it that they didn't realize it when they forced the gun towards the angle Ten was and fired shots after shots.

"Doyoung wait-" it was too late, Ten stopped mid-sentence when two bullets passed through him, killing him instantly.

"W-what have I done?" Mark was finally back to his senses but by that time, he already killed someone. He didn't know what to feel. He is a doctor for God's sake and his job is to save people. Instead, he became a murderer just now. His mind is now a mush with spiralling realization of how he killed a human being just now.

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